Modding Help Armor status effect intervals/durations (Controlled Breathing)

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by Veraal Fins, Jun 5, 2014.

  1. Veraal Fins

    Veraal Fins Big Damn Hero

    I've been having a bit of a problem understanding how status effects apply to armors, or, rather, why their refresh rate seems to be so near instantaneous. What I've been trying to accomplish today is making a clothing set that allows one to have minor regeneration in tandem with a breathing effect via the "warmthrisk" status effect.

    Thus far, everything has gone well other than the fact that the heal is far too powerful, and the breath effect is a completely opaque cloud.


    I've looked around a bit, and I've not been able to find anything relevant to armors, though there's plenty on weapons.

    Does anyone know of functional means of adding delays/intervals and durations to an armor's status effects?
    The | Suit likes this.
  2. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    Though I am not sure about armors.- but for items
    But if you want o prolong healing over a period of time use duration

    your character has a smoking problem.
  3. Veraal Fins

    Veraal Fins Big Damn Hero

    I've tried that, though I must admit I'm not entirely sure of what I'm doing.

          "kind" : "health",
          "amount" : 10
          "Duration" : 5,
          "Interval" : 5
    This is, specifically, what the faulty code lines look like. Each tick of healing is equal to one puff of air.

    I've attempted different means of reigning the tick rate in, but to no avail.
    I even tried making my own augment and statuseffect, but those didn't go down too well. Trying to make healing work like a poison is perhaps too advanced for me.
  4. prodamn

    prodamn Spaceman Spiff

    the complete opaque cloud of smoking problems seems to be related to it spawning. alot. of those clouds at a time.

    that seems pretty straight forward if you specify the interval and duration, just a tad too fast ?
  5. Veraal Fins

    Veraal Fins Big Damn Hero

    It's not that the interval I've chosen is too high- I've tried an array of different values to gauge the differences, if any, that show up.

    So far, it seems that input values of that nature don't have any effect.
    At least, not as "Interval" or "Duration", or any combination of the two.

    I tried to figure out "ticks" but, I don't think they work with armor.

    All values thus far default to "A heck of a lot"
  6. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    Considering its armor I am not too suprised. As they would probably set it to every second or so
    so why not take advantage of it and do the math backwards then?

    Instead of health 1 - choose health 0.0001 or something?
  7. Veraal Fins

    Veraal Fins Big Damn Hero

    I'd do that if it weren't for the cosmetic effect I'm trying to achieve.

    Every tick of healing - one puff of air.

    (Annoying spastic photobombing florian nerd)

    If I weren't trying to sync up those two, I'd have been done ages ago. Still, it looks like nothing could be done about it, from what I can tell. I've achieve the effect superficially by modifying the effectSource of the healing effect, but that's pretty much squinting and pretending really hard that it's working.

    Maybe a custom augment? But I've no idea if that's actually possible.
  8. dpc

    dpc Void-Bound Voyager

    You have to put duration, then set periodic effect then specify the interval... I use that to create monsters that burns people for x hp/tick with x secondes interval, so I can make different levels of monsters.
    I'm not in front of my computer right now, I'll give you the codes asap (in 10h or so).
    With that you don't even have to do anything in the assets, just add those lines in the file of the armor and voilĂ  ! Though you have to separate the healing from the cosmetics but with the perk of being able to give it to other people that don't have the mod and still works neatly.

    And since it's on your armor, duration is pointless...
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2014
    Veraal Fins likes this.
  9. dpc

    dpc Void-Bound Voyager

    "statusEffects": [ {
    "initialTick": true,
    "interval" : 1.0 ,
    "kind" : "health" ,
    "primitives" : [{"name" : "periodic"}],
    "tick" : {"statusEffects": [{"amount" : 2.5,
    "effectSources" : [ "warmthrisk" ] ,
    "kind": "health" }]}}]
    It heals about 100hp a tick and display the breath effect every time it heals, change the interval if you want to change its speed, health amount 2.5 is about 100hp per second so do the math to adjust its heal.
    But somehow the heal effect take over the breath effect, I'll try to figure something out for you... or you could replace the health animation by the coldbreath one...

    Edit : I somehow managed to make the breath tick but it's not at all synced... you might want to make a different status for the breathing and the healing based on what I gave you... and you should consider 2 as interval for healing and breathing
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2014
    Veraal Fins likes this.

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