April 21st – [STABLE] Update Notes

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Apr 21, 2015.

  1. En137

    En137 Space Hobo

    There is a graphical glitch I am encountering....it's where you use a certain hair and then put on the cap and then it cuts it off making it look weird...if you look at my deviant art page you will see it ( my name is End137 on there)
  2. Supergeek

    Supergeek Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Losing all codexes is poopy.
  3. Syo

    Syo Tentacle Wrangler

    I went down and there was some very hard rock that I couldn't dig through which I'm guessing is the solid core? I then found a gap, went through it, touched the bottom and died. The update helps avoid falling out the bottom but it seems it still is possible.
    Varixai likes this.
  4. amagicbox

    amagicbox Void-Bound Voyager

    *NEW "Stable" Update* Oh Joy
    *Starbound Crashes ON Launch* .... *AGAIN (Just Like Last Stable Update)*

    Do you guys do any playtesting on Macs?
    Because this happens with So Far *Every* *Single* "Stable" Update
  5. andysok

    andysok Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Good job !
  6. H0ll0W

    H0ll0W Void-Bound Voyager

    Sooooo... I deleted my main character info and universe files after i got pretty deep into this new update. Now i redownloaded the game and started her up. the planet is drained like i left it before same with the universe im in.......whats up with that? I deleted everything and redownloaded it like a new game all together so why is my universe the same? How do i fix this?
  7. Shy Monkey

    Shy Monkey Void-Bound Voyager

    A thing with the new teleporter system I have noticed is with something I dub "crash planets".

    If through an unfortunate chain of events, mod things happen and crash your game, you will stay in the spot that caused you to crash. Sometimes you will get lucky, and the spot moves a tiny bit further on. Or, it stays. I have a situation where my char is jumping into a crash spot on a server.

    I figure this is our fault for not making a new universe, but still.
  8. InfoPunkie

    InfoPunkie Void-Bound Voyager

    I am loving these updates.
  9. Kyro172

    Kyro172 Void-Bound Voyager

    The Ark, Eh? More like Starbound: The Thousand Year Door, am I right?
    Kittails likes this.

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