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Anyone got good coordinates they would like to share?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Day56, Dec 5, 2013.

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  1. CrystalPaladen

    CrystalPaladen Intergalactic Tourist

    X Delta Hya Majoris III
    Snow lvl 7 threat planet
    X: -46613057 Y: 98506412

    This planet has tons of ceruliam on the surface to completely satisfy any use of it. The planet is HUGE. There are two steel pyramids to the left that are small and have matter block generators, the chests in them didn't have anything of particular mention but the guards drop pretty good gear for the threat lvl. There are several tech chests on the surface the ones I can remember are rocket jump and targeted blink. There are also many ice chests with ice furniture blueprints. There are several apex abandoned labs to the right with chest with fairly good items and I also found a strange apex building I never saw before. It had an old man apex in a wheelchair inside and a electric gun.....he wasn't nice. However he didn't drop anything and nothing of interest was in the house so idk if I missed something or what.
  2. RoseluckSerendipity

    RoseluckSerendipity Tentacle Wrangler

    What in the blazed is that you have there in your first tech slot? :eek:
  3. Bio101

    Bio101 Space Hobo

    i have found a planet in the delta section that has targeted blink and two mech techs (and possibly more as I only skimmed over the planet). I am not sure if it will work on the next update but nevertheless here are the co-ords

    X: 66262101

    Y: 69774966

    Delta 199=CE Tau 60 II b

    happy days and good hunting

    Xanguine likes this.
  4. Day56

    Day56 Void-Bound Voyager

    Looking for a glitch village in the X sector with nice trees to make my home.
  5. Sarusei

    Sarusei Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    thats from a mod -> http://tinyurl.com/o25l3wt
  6. StarBrethren

    StarBrethren Phantasmal Quasar

  7. Genzo

    Genzo Astral Cartographer

    I just want a simple cape, or wings... Is true that exist a purple cape? I really want it.
  8. von Felty

    von Felty Tentacle Wrangler

    Yeah I forgot to mention it was Alpha Premium IIa

    x: -67835975
    y: 15411157
  9. TUFOR

    TUFOR Void-Bound Voyager

    Found a legendary sniper just to the left of
    Delta 10 Dra 3876 VII
    -7901494, 44270078

  10. Declair

    Declair Space Spelunker

    there are two large snow planets at that coordinate, which one is it?
  11. Aphrodonis

    Aphrodonis Sandwich Man

    I've searched through way too many planets to count for a flamethrower in sector x..

    Does anyone have coords for one?
  12. higeki

    higeki Space Hobo

    hey sorry but for X Marsin what are the co-ods? thanks!
  13. Wintorn

    Wintorn Phantasmal Quasar

    WOAH, thanks man.
  14. Wintorn

    Wintorn Phantasmal Quasar

    Give us a vid?
  15. SkyNightBiel

    SkyNightBiel Void-Bound Voyager

    Anyone got a avian airship with good gun dealer at gamma sector? i found one but unconsciously i fired at one avian. -.-
    Can't be X : -2 Y : -2 because i fired at one avian.
  16. Bucketlamp

    Bucketlamp Giant Laser Beams

    Just lure out the one that's agro at you and kill them. Or you can go into the universe and try deleting just that one planet.

    Edit: Alternatively

  17. Solenix

    Solenix Aquatic Astronaut


    Go right a little and you'll find this Legendary Rocket Launcher. It's the desert planet.
  18. SkyNightBiel

    SkyNightBiel Void-Bound Voyager

    Bucketlamp, do you have other avian ship? i need to be at the gamma sector, i need good weapons to defeate the bone dragon...
  19. strikerjuice

    strikerjuice Void-Bound Voyager

    Gamma masym 3664 I C
    Forest, threat level 10.
    X: 797
    Y: -784
    Go left, you'll run into a pirate ship that has a weapon merchant (with guns). Other loot is scattered around the planet as well.
    Enjoy :)
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2013
    fadeddeathkirby and SkyNightBiel like this.
  20. nellysaur 326

    nellysaur 326 Void-Bound Voyager

    X sector weapons dealer / legendary guns / guns dealer, very much in need of it!
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