Modding Help Anybody else seeing this? asset_unpacker.exe write called on non-writable file

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by AardvarkBanana, Aug 3, 2016.

  1. AardvarkBanana

    AardvarkBanana Void-Bound Voyager

    open cmd.

    cd into Starbound directory.

    "win64\asset_unpacker.exe" "assets\packed.pak" vanilla​

    ... results in...

    Error: Automatic close of SimpleDatabase 'assets\packed.pak' in destructor failed! (IOException) write called on non-writable File​

    This is after the latest update of 1.0.4. asset_unpacker.exe has worked extracting other folks' mod .pak files, before, though.

    I've tried both as Administrator and not. Running Windows 7.

    Anybody else seeing this?
  2. AardvarkBanana

    AardvarkBanana Void-Bound Voyager

    Alright, this doesn't answer the question as to why the win64 asset_unpacker.exe version failed, but the issue has been circumvented using the win32 asset_unpacker.exe.


    "win32\asset_unpacker.exe" "assets\packed.pak" vanilla​

    Is there a difference between unpacked/repacked files between the win32 and win64 versions?

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