Animals are grumpy?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Astrid Speckles, May 11, 2018.

  1. Astrid Speckles

    Astrid Speckles Subatomic Cosmonaut

    It's currently winter and all my pets a grumpy for no reason?

    The door has always been shut
    They have a heater.
    I only have the deluxe barn,
    so I have to put hay manually,
    Which I have been.

    I have no clue why they are grumpy,
    help ;-; ?

    • nevyn21

      nevyn21 Cosmic Narwhal

      Animals usually suffer a small penalty to mood during the Winter due to not getting to eat grass outside. Make sure you're petting them daily to keep their friendship at max and it should help offset it. Otherwise they should recover from their mood swing sooner or later. There's not real way to keep their mood maxed out in that season without using mods.

      A deluxe barn should keep the hay troughs full for you. Is that not happening?
      • Astrid Speckles

        Astrid Speckles Subatomic Cosmonaut

        Oops I meant the big coop!
        Meant to say isn't the deluxe barn haha <w>;

        Also I've petted them too and they're grumpy
        However I've just closed and reopened Stardew and now they're happy again despite me petting them before I closed it and they were grumpy,
        Maybe it was a glitch
        Should of tried closing and reopening it before posting this xD
        • nevyn21

          nevyn21 Cosmic Narwhal

          The glitch is that sometimes the game reports animals moods just dipping for no reason. Doesn't matter the season. I've never noticed much change in their actual production and believe it's just a description change error.
          • ShneekeyTheLost

            ShneekeyTheLost Master Astronaut

            I think the overflow happiness glitch is still present in the beta, which could easily account for it.

            In effect: In winter, animals receive a happiness penalty. The heater gives a happiness bonus which offsets this penalty, effectively negating it. However, after 6 PM, for some reason, the Heater starts giving the happiness bonus every ten minutes game time, which can overflow the happiness to a number over 255, at which point it rolls back over to 0. This will cause grumpy animals during the winter, despite doing everything correctly.
              WilliamZ likes this.
            • Borodin

              Borodin Oxygen Tank

              I've seen mods that correct this, but I sincerely hope CA deals with it while the new release is in beta.

              I really don't want to see my avatar ask a cow how it's doing, and get the response, "Oh, great. In fact, so good, that I'm really depressed and want to get myself declared an emancipated minor."
              • nevyn21

                nevyn21 Cosmic Narwhal

                The mood roll-over bug was fixed in 1.22. The only animal bug left is the one with heaters listed on the animals page in the wiki. The heater bug cannot lower mood past 150.
                • ShneekeyTheLost

                  ShneekeyTheLost Master Astronaut

                  That has not been my experience
                  • MouseyPounds

                    MouseyPounds Cosmic Narwhal

                    The mood rollover bug was only fixed for some professions. If you have shepherd or coopmaster, it is still present.
                    • nevyn21

                      nevyn21 Cosmic Narwhal



                      Here's a developer comment and blog about it. For some reason they didn't fully disclose what all was fixed in regards to the animal bugs but the rollover was definitely fixed. Most of the other ones were too. I have Shepherd and if that profession was still bugged I'd know, since I helped test out all of the bugs to begin with.


                      I don't have a problem with being corrected but I do need some kind of proof.
                      • MouseyPounds

                        MouseyPounds Cosmic Narwhal

                      • nevyn21

                        nevyn21 Cosmic Narwhal

                        Is that the Beta code or live? Either way I haven’t seen it because I pet my animals before letting them outside. Thank you for showing me.
                        • MouseyPounds

                          MouseyPounds Cosmic Narwhal

                          I assume the post is using beta code, but that section is the same in both versions.
                          • nevyn21

                            nevyn21 Cosmic Narwhal

                            *sigh* And here I thought animals were finally in decent shape. Oh well, at least the workaround I’m already in the habit of using still works.
                            • Ronarest

                              Ronarest Space Hobo

                              I'm still having this grumpy animals thing. Whenever I sleep earlier than 5:30 they go grumpy the next day for me on any season.

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