REQUEST Animal Digimon Replacements

Discussion in 'Mods' started by mtnhero, Dec 10, 2017.

  1. mtnhero

    mtnhero Space Hobo

    I figured since people are doing mods for pokemon, I'd like to see if there's interest for digimon replacements for the animals.

    I've been dabbling with GIMP to try and create my own but don't think I have the talent to create them on my own. I was thinking using the following:

    Agumon = dinosaur
    Biyomon = brown chicken
    kokatorimon = white chicken
    Falcomon = Void chicken
    penguinmon = blue chicken

    and etc.

    I'd be willing to work with someone to get this done as well. :3
    • thingwithwings

      thingwithwings Phantasmal Quasar

      Dude, that sounds awesome! I'd love to see maybe gabumon as a dog replacement and palmon as the cat.
      • mtnhero

        mtnhero Space Hobo

        ah yes, xD just in general trying to design them is a bit difficult my first go at it. I'm not sure how people do it. currently looking at guides and deciding to use either the classic or attempting at a more modern pixel version of the characters

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