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An open letter to the Starbound community.

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by SpiroExDeus, Sep 24, 2013.

  1. linkthegamer

    linkthegamer Master Astronaut

    I am inclined to agree. Plus people will want to scrutinize all the expenses and might try to micromanage how the dev is using their money. People will get upset if they see a charges they deem frivolous (pizza) and likely make request for devs to cut back on their spending and such.

    That last bit actually kinda proves my point.
  2. BigTeef

    BigTeef Aquatic Astronaut

    Did I miss something fun?

    It feels like I did.
  3. SPOOKS80

    SPOOKS80 Pangalactic Porcupine

    It has not angered me in the slightest, People move home for many different reasons it might have nothing to do with wanting a bigger place i mean for all we know he may have moved because of bad neighbors i dunno.

    As for the speed of development, I'm not angry about that either I sit here and watch Bartwe streaming and coding has ass off everyday near enough so for me thats better to watch then sitting and waiting for daily updates.....why wait for them when i can watch it being built and fixed and tested right in front of me.

    Anyway this is going a little off topic so i'm gonna hush my fingers :)

    Echo and Scawtish like this.
  4. linkthegamer

    linkthegamer Master Astronaut

    Also as Tiy has stated their is no magic machine you feed money to and get code and art in return. The money pays the devs for their work, they use the money to buy food, pay bills, and do life stuff. Tiy is just using his portion of the cash to move into a new residence. Unless he was skimming off the other dev's salaries he really has done nothing wrong with the money.
    SpiroExDeus and SPOOKS80 like this.
  5. Marche100

    Marche100 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Then perhaps he shouldn't have said that the more money they get, the faster you'll get the game.
  6. linkthegamer

    linkthegamer Master Astronaut

    That was not a lie, they are making far more progress on the game now then if they all were working a 9-5 job in tandum.
  7. Marche100

    Marche100 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Beta and release in 2013 no matter what, but you'll get it sooner if you pre-order. Now it's beta 2013, release ???.
  8. linkthegamer

    linkthegamer Master Astronaut

    Tiy really sucks at estimating things (No offense).(Edit: actually that was a stupid way of putting it, Tiy does not suck at making estimates, they are just plain hard to do, sorry about that wording.) Also estimates are made based on how things are at the time with the assumption they will continue to progress at roughly that rate. Unforeseen hiccups can devastate an estimate. Still realize it would take even longer if then it already will if the devs were working other jobs.

    Release was moved to 2014 BTW.
  9. greenman

    greenman Spaceman Spiff

    beta release thread is ---------------------------->

    I completely agree with the OP. I think most of us recognize that it's really a small minority of people that are doing most of the complaining. Responding to complaints really only fuels a pointless conversation. Even with good intentions, endlessly defending the dev's progress is just another way of feeding trolls. Think of it as silent treatment.

    Threads are only getting locked because argumentative comments are getting out of hand. Don't let things escalate, just let the thread fizzle out and die. Sometimes, the dev's will step in and respond to criticism personally, so I don't think its necessary to speak for them in defense.
  10. linkthegamer

    linkthegamer Master Astronaut

    Oh yeah, sorry... got a little to into the swing of that.
  11. Litagano Motscoud

    Litagano Motscoud Master Astronaut

    They never set anything in stone and it's best that you don't think of the release date estimates that way.
    Echo likes this.
  12. KevinFragger2427

    KevinFragger2427 Pangalactic Porcupine

    A small minority is quite big, especially if you take in the current population of forum-goers. I think it's really just eight or nine people in the same mood each day. Also, not every complaint is a troll, nor pointless. How else would the devs have found out that their floran intro was a bit off?
  13. Pentarctagon

    Pentarctagon Over 9000!!!

    If only complaining about the beta was 1/2 that helpful. Or 1/4. Or at all.
    KevinFragger2427 likes this.
  14. greenman

    greenman Spaceman Spiff

    One of the best features of this forum is its ability to allow the community to talk straight to the team about what it wants in the game. Critique of the game is certainly helpful, but critique of how the team conducts business is out of line. I'm suggesting that people might try to ignore the less useful conversations.
    Echo and Darklight like this.
  15. KevinFragger2427

    KevinFragger2427 Pangalactic Porcupine

    One can always dream.

    I misunderstood your post. Still, that line is pretty hard to draw when it comes to what's a useful conversation and what's not.
  16. Marche100

    Marche100 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    You were right the first time. He does suck at estimating things. How else could you guess a release 2 years off? Estimates can be hard to do, but they should never be this hard when you have insider information.
  17. Darklight

    Darklight Oxygen Tank

    Quite easily. The world doesn't follow an immovable flow. Things happen, spanners are thrown into the works and the gears jam up for a while.
  18. Marche100

    Marche100 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Yes, that happens, but you're supposed to take that into consideration when you're making a game. No other companies push back their games this far and then say, "But it's weird!"
  19. Skarn

    Skarn Existential Complex

    Maybe, but then no other companies attempt to reason with impatient customers in the first place. :yeahhhh:

    You ever notice how so many of them refuse to even consider a release date for years? This is exactly why.
  20. Terrahero

    Terrahero Cosmic Narwhal

    Yah they do. This is hardly the first time i see a title get delayed several times. And after seeing so many titles fall flat on their face where i was just left wishing they would actually have pushed it back to polish it(most recently Total War: Rome 2), i am okay with delays if its for the sake of making the game better.

    And after having seen this discussion pop up like a dozen times now, and im pretty new here, do people really think this is in any way shape or form constructive?
    I am seriously curious to get an answer on this, what is it you hope to achieve?
    Echo and Darklight like this.

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