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RELEASED Amfin Species V0.3 (updated for Enraged Koala)

Discussion in 'Races' started by Ponyus, Dec 9, 2013.

  1. Eric

    Eric Existential Complex

    Marry me.

    I love starship troopers so much, the only thing that makes this sad is that you are generally an exile, so you cannot be part of the crazy military.
  2. Ponyus

    Ponyus Subatomic Cosmonaut

    judging by the ship im working on right now, an outlaw would be more fitting. as in "wanted for stealing a high-grade military frigate".

    of course the story could develop into something deeper than that.
    luki3m and Pinkie Pie like this.
  3. Eric

    Eric Existential Complex

    Heh, you could go browncoat on it.

    Be the losing side of a civil war, taking your ship and leaving to become a smuggler.
    luki3m likes this.
  4. luki3m

    luki3m Phantasmal Quasar

    \(*o*)/... beautifull, umm i love hylotl, and now i love your race too, i think i will meltdown, thanks *3*!!
  5. Graal

    Graal Big Damn Hero

    Think you could give an optional configuration for Xbawks' character creation mod? Right now this is conflicting with another mod and the icons are overlapping >_<
  6. Ponyus

    Ponyus Subatomic Cosmonaut

    i want to come around with a holiday update, but im not making any promises.

    just need to finish up the ship.
  7. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    I keep seeing this error. It's as wrong and amusing as the one about me being a girl. Never change, people.
  8. Carty1234

    Carty1234 Zero Gravity Genie

    Hey Xbawks, you planning on making any more mods? :p
    Kawa likes this.
  9. Ponyus

    Ponyus Subatomic Cosmonaut

    hey, stop making fun of her
    Kawa and Carty1234 like this.
  10. Graal

    Graal Big Damn Hero

    Kawa's xbawks mode character creator*

    My bad, to be fair it was like 4am when I read it.
    Kawa likes this.
  11. Ponyus

    Ponyus Subatomic Cosmonaut

    not finished yet, but i wanted to share anyway.

  12. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    Overkill much?

    There was supposed to be a mom joke here but I'm a little too impressed at this time.
  13. Ponyus

    Ponyus Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Overkill does not exist in the Amfin vocabulary,
  14. Carty1234

    Carty1234 Zero Gravity Genie

    That's amazing does it even fit on the screen...? This race gets better and better, just custom armour and quests and it will be the besterest :D
  15. Ponyus

    Ponyus Subatomic Cosmonaut

    my screen is 1366 by 768. about half the ship fits the screen at one time when i have the zoom setting on 2x
  16. Carty1234

    Carty1234 Zero Gravity Genie

    You said it was not finished, but it looks pretty close to me. When you hoping to release it? (I just really want to jump into that ship :p!)
  17. Ponyus

    Ponyus Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I'm hoping to be able to finish this up before christmas. i think i need another undisturbed day or so to add the finishing touches and clean up pixels (there are a lot of ugly spots if you look closely)
  18. Carty1234

    Carty1234 Zero Gravity Genie

    Take your time, I don't want to rush you! But it looks great!
  19. Rhelor

    Rhelor Intergalactic Tourist

    hey, great looking race mod there. i just got a basic question regarding any updates in the future: will we be forced to start a new character to experience any changes on the ship or weaponry etc once we update or how do we transition from an allready existing character into the new stuff?
  20. Ponyus

    Ponyus Subatomic Cosmonaut

    when i swich to the new ship, your old character wont be getting it, as ships are saved alongside the character. the assets for the old ship will remain in the mod, for those who want to keep it.

    HOWEVER. if you want to keep your character, but want the new ship, you can go to your player folder (.../common/starbound/player). here you will find a bunch of files. each character has three savefiles associated with them. .player, .metadata and .shipworld

    if you delete the ".shipworld" one, it will reset everything on your ship and reload it. this will give you the new ship, but it will also remove anything you have stored on the ship.

    so what i would suggest is that you take everything you want to save and put it on a planet (save the coordinates too, just to be safe). then exit the game and delete your .shipworld file. then when you start up again, you will be onboard the new ship.

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