Modding Help Am i able to extend the pet tether radius?

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by OASSASSINOFINAL, May 21, 2019.


    OASSASSINOFINAL Orbital Explorer

    The title says most of it.
    All i want its to extend the pet tether radius so that my poptop can walk around all my house
    Is there any way to? A mod is welcome too
  2. Nexus Of Chaos

    Nexus Of Chaos Parsec Taste Tester

    i've asked the same question a couple years ago, still not discovered a way to iirc

    i asked that time bc Poptart (my poptop) never gets to finish their song wen tethered and i don't want them following me all the time

    OASSASSINOFINAL Orbital Explorer

    same problem here (late response, lol) but rlly, i wanted my poptop to completly sing their song, but not enough radius, and also, she rlly dint have much places to go to, the thether let her on only one small place
  4. NightmareDL

    NightmareDL Subatomic Cosmonaut

    It is sad there is no mod for this yet , it could add a lot to the life ingame if it didn't have garbage range and on poptop makes the song annoying getting reset 3 billion times

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