Hello! After some debating with myself over the design of this race, I finally have a 'finished' version to show off! They are the Alyass Remember when I said it was 'finished'? That's just the design of the body (for now. Could change, who knows?). So far, there's no lore or custom armour or a custom ship or anything.. but that will come later! For now, it just uses human + some hylotl stuff for now, and the floran ship and codex. These will be changed in the (hopefully soon) future! Normally I'd flesh the race out a bit more before releasing it, but as I'm not the best artist out there, I wanted to get some feedback on the body(s). The red skin in the picture is colour-changeable, but the white belly is not. The brown protrusions, neck guard thingies, and face colour are also colour-changeable, but you cannot change one of the browns without changing them all. If you want to try this race out, here is a download (Version 0.1.1): https://www.mediafire.com/download/2zrarjpw1n1h1t5/Alyass 0.1.1.zip You will need Rocky's Mod Loader and Kawa's xbawcks-mode character creator (Only if you will need to follow the install instructions. If you know what you're doing and can install this on your own, you don't need his character creator.) Thank you to Kawa and his Felin mod for helping me figure out how to do this!