Just finished some of the mods. Download here: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B1Ul9Mh8dY6WS0Q2Slk1aUVfdlU&usp=sharing If there's anything messed up, please tell me. I will fix it asap. Hope you enjoy my work!
Dang. I really like the Jodi one. Good job. Haley's is really good too. Emily's open mouthed smile one is great - amazing what you can do with so few pixels!
I just want to say that I found the best Harley portrait from this forum. I was looking for a image which didn't make him look like a creep/pedo anymore, but without going the easy route and removing the whole moustache from his face. Good work, sir.
I managed to get to the google drive folder, for some reason it was directing to tumblr, instead. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B1Ul9Mh8dY6WS0Q2Slk1aUVfdlU Here, this link /should/ work.