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After they inform people about meteors in the starmap, Buff meteors.

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Deserok, Dec 30, 2013.

  1. Deserok

    Deserok Aquatic Astronaut

    Anyone else think it would be a good idea to buff the meteors? I know a lot of people find them O.P, but am I the only one to find them weak?

    They should be causing shock waves (easy to implement, make them fire projectiles that look like waves in all directions) that shatter glass and weak materials on contact! I want to some Oh-shit moments. The craters should leave lava behind that slowly cools or something. Just disable a player spawning on a planet with meteors so a new player doesn't land and get killed by them.

    Any thoughts?

    I also hope they add this(I know it's a gas giant, but I'm lazy):

    How is it stupid to want at least a little survival in this game about survival and exploration. Is the survival element supposed to be "Go find a food vendor and buy tons of produce" and that alone? Bear in mind that this is AFTER they implement a warning system. So even then, you'd know what you're getting into. Does everything in the game have to be watered down??

    I agree completely

    It's a good thing I said this should be added if/when they give you prior warning before beaming down. If the game has to give everyone warnings, then at least let dangers be dangerous. If it didn't give you warnings, then I agree, water down the meteors until there isn't a single risk involved during your "exploring"

    Very compelling argument about the topic at hand, I applaud you.

    Great idea, this can offset the meteors being more dangerous.

    I'm sorry if I want a survival element to a exploration survival game. The changes I suggest wouldn't really effect you unless you:
    A: Read the warning.
    B: DIsregard it completely.
    If you read a warning that says for example "Meteor Prone Planet", and then complain when a meteor hits you, I don't even know what to say.

    Please inform me how meteors having more of an effect after giving you ample warning about it mean the same thing as your ship getting randomly impacted with no warning? It's not like I'm saying meteors should hit every planet all of the time. I'm saying that if the game is going to have to warn everyone about potential dangers on a planet, we should at least have dangers that are dangerous. I don't mind debating, but I don't exactly know what your point is here... If harder meteors aren't your thing.. why not just avoid going to a planet with meteors...?

    Don't quote me on this, but what I've noticed about lava, there seems to be some mechanic that cools it into obsidian. I'm going to go find a few pools in lava to test my theory, but I've seen it in game happen.

    Fantastic idea, Meteor prone planets can have a higher chance of legendaries or weapons caches. Maybe with a military base/bunker somewhere on it with troops. You can grab a bunch of friends or go solo rambo and attack it.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2013
  2. Vahnkiljoy

    Vahnkiljoy Ketchup Robot

    Yes because they need to do even MORE than DESTROY TERRAIN.
  3. ChaoticGamer

    ChaoticGamer Master Astronaut

    No, meteors are going be too much an issue with ppl yacking, but it does give off real statement, but this is a game. Pose to be fun for everyone to play without having too much an issue.
  4. Deserok

    Deserok Aquatic Astronaut

    Look, after the point a planet warns you it's meteor prone, and you choose to build/play there anyways. You either want some sort of challenge or are stupid.

    I just figure if they went through the trouble of putting meteors, they might as well crank them up.

    I don't find the fact "people might complain" a reason to not consider something. Same logic applies to NOT putting something in.
  5. Raybrandt

    Raybrandt Jackpot!

    I condone this notion.

    I also want them to ignite the area for extended periods of time. Not just leave lava. Burn, baby, burn!
    Fuzzy Poop, Exxil3d and WoxandWarf like this.
  6. Deserok

    Deserok Aquatic Astronaut

    Yea, it's like some people can't handle the fact there might be something dangerous in a video game.

    I understand complaints now because people aren't warned ahead of time. However, since we're going the route of "Everything needs a big red warning on it because people don't want to explore the unknown without knowing everything". At LEAST make the dangers something to consider.

    "Oh, there are meteors on this planet, I guess that means a rock will fall every now and then... Oh no..."

    It should be:

    "I donno man, that shit has meteors hitting it, we need to get in and out quickly or we're fucked if we want to hit up that dungeon..."
    Corrupt Ai and Krytikal like this.
  7. Vahnkiljoy

    Vahnkiljoy Ketchup Robot

    No, people can handle the fact there is something dangerous, you are are just wanting to make it stupid.
  8. Ohsillyus

    Ohsillyus Sandwich Man

    So long as players are given ample warning it sounds liek ti could be fun. Just remember to warn folks or put in some foolproofing so someone doesn't land their ass i nmeteor hell without trying.
  9. Zeklo

    Zeklo Heliosphere

    How about... randomly generated meteors? Some shoot lava on impact, others acid, some send sonic waves, generic boring ones and etc.
  10. Gorgz of Thy

    Gorgz of Thy Star Wrangler

    I beleive it is a great idea to buff the meteros... i've had two land soo far (one 5 blocks from my house, the other on my house) and i think they just arn't enough
    I think if chucklefish does so, make them much less common, but more common around planets which have asteroid feilds nearby.

    ALSO, i think they needa drop the blocks they have destroyed, i couldnt rebuild my house as it was titanuim and light metal, i simply did not have enough to rebuild.
  11. Deserok

    Deserok Aquatic Astronaut

    I am never against more variety. I just can't stand how some players want absolutely no risks. I'm sure they'll have a creative mode so they can play "Happy Fun Time No Risk Limited Edition Director's Cut Starbound: Now with more ponies".
    Corrupt Ai, Aeon and Zeklo like this.
  12. Madae

    Madae Zero Gravity Genie

    Don't know to much about this. So, meteors can hit a planet, but only some planets are prone to meteors? As in, there are other planets that will never be hit by meteors? If that's the case, what's the problem again?
    Gunslinger likes this.
  13. Gunslinger

    Gunslinger Existential Complex

    I second that idea. First time I heard about Starbound, I was looking forward to a lot of things. Meteors that are actually dangerous are one of them.
  14. Pyrolun

    Pyrolun Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Well when you say 'buff meteors' I can only think that we would be seeing something magnificent, It would be cool if my character's eyes popped and his body set alight immediately as soon as the meteor impacts, I want trees to be charred remnants of their previous selves. It would be cool if mobs were statues of charred flesh and bone following the impact, essentially I would like to be able to pop them open like jars if my character was lucky enough to survive the trauma that comes with such a formidable force of nature.
  15. AntonioAJC

    AntonioAJC Starship Captain

    This would be nice, the devs should soon add a warning on a planet's info specifying the rate of meteor showers.
  16. Deserok

    Deserok Aquatic Astronaut

    Ok, I updated the OP, Just add that and then make meteor's dangerous. I don't have Photoshop, I used paint, because I'm cheap.
  17. Pyrolun

    Pyrolun Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Okay, so that picture. Is that upcoming or player made?
  18. Deserok

    Deserok Aquatic Astronaut

    I made it to illustrate the point, I don't think devs would use the wording I used. I just googled "starbound starmap", grabbed one, and edited it.
  19. Pyrolun

    Pyrolun Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Aye I should have probably made myself a little more concise, I noticed your little bit of editing. I meant the rest.
  20. krylo

    krylo Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    And I don't understand why you need to be condescending to make a point.

    No one is impressed by video game machismo.

    No one.

    Just explain why you want it and leave the being nasty to anyone who disagrees off to the side.

    That said, I could go either way on more difficult meteors. I've played for hours and hours. Gotten all the way to Tier 10. Explored countless planets. Started new characters. Have not seen a meteor shower.

    I look forward to them being in the scanners so I can at least see what the big deal is.

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