Advanced computer and wire system

Discussion in 'Mechanics' started by The Thing, Apr 17, 2013.

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  1. TheTimeLord

    TheTimeLord Existential Complex

    Yeah, I was thinking that too, but wouldn't it be very complicated with all the programs and machines scrambled through the computer, making it hard to find?
    You should be able to make a folder and categorize everything. :up:
  2. The Thing

    The Thing Existential Complex

    Well, the computer list only bring up the object or other computer directly linked up to it so if you work smart, you can keep it down to a managable level of items per computer. So let's say, one per room linked to a section security office linked to a master central terminal. Of course there are alway ways to exagerate, leave it to the internet to find a guy who will do that to an epic level. ;)
    If you do plan on making a whole city, unless you are helped by many people using a very tight program naming convention this might get either very long of very messy. At the same time, a computer lower in the chain should not be able to affect one above it so if you shoot a command down the chain and a certain section of the city doesn't respond to it, well you know were to start looking at the very least.
  3. TheTimeLord

    TheTimeLord Existential Complex

    Ah, ok. Again, neat idea.
  4. Irora

    Irora Void-Bound Voyager

    Really Like this idea, would go perfect with traps and devices, I could see myself having some real fun making an amazing concoction of computer linked devices to protect my stuff, Great idea! Only thing is that for, "Your base is protected from destruction and tunneling grief. You can now have your very own passworded treasure vault." I guess there has to be an option to turn this off otherwise people could literally have an indestructible base, otherwise well done on this post!
  5. The Thing

    The Thing Existential Complex

    Glad you like it. :)
    First thing I tought when I saw your post was pretty much the same thing you said so yeah, I can see some real nice sinergy between those two ideas.
    As for the block protection thing, this was more of an idea of what could be than what I really think will be. I haven't started writting it in yet but I'm putting togheter an idea about hacking in my head so this might counteract this at some point.
    From now on I wil;l probably be keeping an eye on your thread to see if I can't make mine more compatible.
  6. Irora

    Irora Void-Bound Voyager

    I added my own sort of wiring system to my post but this is only because, I am pretty sure that the game has a wiring system quite like the one I have described, I could be completely wrong but I was judging from the building tutorial, anything could have changed, however I do believe the computer side would be perfect and compatible with my ideas, which is why I linked your post under computers.
  7. The Thing

    The Thing Existential Complex

    Righto. For now I have your thread linked right at the top of my suggestion, tough I will be moving it in a related section once I put it in. Cant say I would be agains getting some of your trafic on this side... it's getting lonely around here. :confused:
  8. Irora

    Irora Void-Bound Voyager

    :D Well I have had that post since January, and the day you found it also 8 others found it so it was kind of weird logging in and counting about "9 insert name here has liked your thread Base Defences In Depth"
  9. The Thing

    The Thing Existential Complex

    Well, now I am at the point were I dont really know what else to add or how. So if anyone passing by feel like asking question about the system, please do so. That's how I can work the best, by anwsering questions, I think about more stuff.
  10. The Thing

    The Thing Existential Complex

    I've been working lately on building up a small "team" in order to work on a possible mod of this for the game. I have also been talking with Irora about his own suggestion and suggested that his idea be included in this mod too. Not confirmed at an 100% yet, but he seemed to like the idea. Also, if you are a competent coder or simply have an idea that could impreve what I have here, do tell me about it please.
  11. The Thing

    The Thing Existential Complex

    Full description spoilered, made a smaller description over it in an attempt to reduce the amount of "too long, didn't read".

    This whole project seem even more possible now that I have heard that lua scripting might be usind derectly in game. This is most probably what this whole thing would be using, just providing a more non-coder friendly way of doing it.
  12. The Thing

    The Thing Existential Complex

    Remade the first post once again. I really need someone better than I am at writing, explaining stuff and forum formating :(. Anyone interested?Also, looking for programming able people to help shape up the how of it all.
  13. Dr. Alpha

    Dr. Alpha Aquatic Astronaut

    I haven't read this thread fully. Keep that in mind.

    From what I'm hearing, some people are worried about griefs really going wild with these suggested mechanics. To that I say, phooie! This is very similar to (dare I say it?) Minecraft's redstone wiring. Granted some differences because of dimensional limitations and so forth, but similar nonetheless. Really my point is how is redstone kept grief-proof? Plugins (mods). I strongly believe that keeping redstone "real' and griefable is the key to this mechanic. If admins feel they need some artificial protection, they can add it in somehow. Making that same protection ingame by default, just cuts out the essence of the wires and switches and interactive objects. At that point you might as well just make it a command line. Hopefully that was clear enough...
  14. The Thing

    The Thing Existential Complex

    Well, keeping griefing in ind is a good thing, but you cannot develop everything according only to that. Also, do keep in mind that the post following the first one might not be related anymore since the first post changed almost completly since those reply happened. The biggest grief worry with this idea is really the destruction of work done since using this system directly to grief would aska lot of work, something that griefer do not usualy like. Taking out a single computer on wich a whole system got linked up tough would be very easy and waste all the work put on it. This is why I wanted access and removal of those computer to be code locked.
  15. Dr. Alpha

    Dr. Alpha Aquatic Astronaut

    Locked seems better, definitely. Really hopes this get implemented...

    redstone is half the reason I played MC ;)
  16. The Thing

    The Thing Existential Complex

    Can't say I played with redstone at all in minecraft so I'm not really sure how it worked, but from what I know, it isn't very close to what I am suggesting here. There is already a wirring system in the game, the idea is to make it so the connection are not only used for on/off switch or at the very least, to allow to switch the state of a single or a selected group of object rather than everything linked to the same object no matter the state they started in. So if some light are on and others are off and you hit a "turn all lights on" button, those that are still off turn on, and those that where already are not affected. Same thing for the two doors that where also linked, they did not open when you flipped the light switch. This allow you to have a single object to control things rather than needing a single switch for every single group of toggleable. I hope it helped make it clearer. ;) These group would be user defined.
  17. The Thing

    The Thing Existential Complex

    So I sort of hijacked someone else thread about something similar, tought I might as well put some of the stuff I said there here too. Will edit the OP too.

    Edit: Oh and snap. I just started all over again.

    Taken from "programming" Thread by Killera :
    A whole new language? What? No?
    How about - clicking on an object in a list like "door" (in a changing list composed of the connected objects, let's call it the left side list)
    - clicking on something like "open" or "turn on" (in a list depending on the currently selected object in the left side list, we will call this one the right side list)
    - then "if" (in a static list (that never really change) located between the two others, so middle list)
    - then another object like "detector" (left list)
    - then in a list for that second object, "water detected" (right list)
    So in short, "door open if water detector give a positive"

    Left list contain the linked object.
    Middle list contain constant stuff like if, and, or, timer, etc.
    Right list contain stuff based on the currently selected object, so open, close, lock for a door.

    Yes, if an interaction haven't been programmed in advance by the dev/mod maker, you cannot make it, but at least it offer some base level interaction between objects and can be expanded further with time.
    As I said, pretty much everything we have seen until now can be worked with turn on/off, true/false, open/close.

    If we can get that to work with, that is already pretty darn good for me. I can use that to make very complex stuff.
    If you tell me that the only solution is to start programming stuff like e real programmer do and that in any language be it C++ or Lua or that other thing they talked about being used in SB, then I cannot even open a simple door.
    I think that most people playing the game will be in my situation, this is why "I" would push for the simple solution.
    Yes, the simple solution ask for more work on the part of the dev/mod maker since the interface and interactions needs to be made before the end user get to touch it.
  18. jintoya

    jintoya Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    i would also add a line of code that prevents non core codes to be changed within the password system, lets say the game sees small changes in code as i plug them into a code changing external app to try to change your code, well after lets say 5 guesses at the code or 5 failed attempts to change the code via external app it locks down and tells the admin someone is messing with the computer. just make a special pull-down tab as one of the admin tools to recede the lock on the computer. no more griefers or someone hacking your world computer. i love the idea of causing a base alert by turning on all turrets and locking all the doors in one fell swoop without having to run all over the base. also why not make a special pass for your friends that allows them through locked doors maybe a forcefeild effect that lets only pass holding players in or the doors simply auto open just long enough for them to get in and then closes behind them, this stops you from locking your buddies outside during a base raid.
    I would use this for one reason even without the ability to lock all the doors with a button... this reason is people who CONSTANTLY leave the doors open... you know who you are and its not nice to let the mobs in
  19. The Thing

    The Thing Existential Complex

    I did have something about that in my old version of the OP, tough I deleted it all and started over again recently so it cannot be found again. But yes, when you set up a password, you should get an option to set the amount of attempt someone can make before it sending a signal, either to the device the user is trying to access or to it's master device (if there is one) in order to create a reaction in a wider system.

    Automated doors... I'm not sure how the game goes presently about making a difference between the players and AI running around. It would be nice if you have a device recognise each player name (need to enforce unique name) or at least be able to give an identifier number to everyone. After this, you can set up a white or black list to your device and use this detector to operate it.
    Another possibility, if there is a way to have the game scan someone inventory, a special item could be made to have a code made into it. So let's say the item is a keycard, the name of it in the inventory is "keycard", but that card actually hold a sery of number that can be recognised by the game. There again, have a device to read for those code in the player inventory and link it with what it needs to operate. Anyone could craft one of these cards, but you need to imput the code yourself, so with long enough serie of digits, it could be pretty hard to make a "double" and once created, a player might not be able to read the code inside it.

    Also, there needs to be a timer trigger in the possible option so you can make doors that close automaticaly after a certain time.

    Now... I'll start rebuilding the main post a little Bit.
  20. The Thing

    The Thing Existential Complex

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