This tutorial is for those who doesn't know from where the drop pools are called "hunting" and "brain" for example.. Requeriments: Merge knowledge (i don't know how to merge =D). Already know how to edit treasurepools. weapon creation. projectile creation.. FIRST.. (using things that are already in the game) i want tiny quadrupeds to drop gold bars when they're killed with AXES!!! ¿why? ¿why not? so i made goldpool.treasurepool (it can be any name you want) Code: { "goldpool" : [ [1, { "pool" : [ [0.07, [ "goldore" ] ], [0.93, [ "goldbar" ] ] ], "poolRounds" : [ [0.20, 0], [0.80, 1] ], "levelVariance" : [0, 0], "allowDuplication" : false } ] ] } Then i proceed and open the file tinyquadruped.monsterype down to line 69 i think are the treasurepools in which we see: Code: { "default" : "basicMonsterTreasure", "bow" : "hunting", "brain" : "brain" } we change it to: Code: { "default" : "basicMonsterTreasure", "bow" : "hunting", "brain" : "brain", "axe" : "goldpool" } you can just edit the file but if you can merge them would be better because of "compatibility" but if instead you want to make them drop X item using a custom weapon. Make a custom projectile with "damageKind" : "customdamage", if your weapon is a hammer go to damage and copy hammer.damage if it's an axe copy axe.damage etc... then in the treasurepools Code: { "default" : "basicMonsterTreasure", "bow" : "hunting", "brain" : "brain", "customdamage" : "custompool" } I'M NOT GOOD AT ALL EXPLAINING MYSELF, so if you have any doub (i know you do) let me know please.. and english it's not my first lenguage so if you want to make any correction to my post (typo, syntaxis, anything else..) just tell me.