Old Thread: http://community.playstarbound.com/threads/item-id-list-add-item-cheat-smapi-0-36-0-37.108419/ Here is probably my final Version of the Add Items Cheat, now with Rings and Swords ~Recommended to use after saving~ TOOLS Adding tools to your inventory doesn't work with this method! I tried finding the IDs and there is no ID because you dont get the tool, you start with it and upgrade it. SHOES/HATS Dunno~ You even can do this! 1.Let's start with the installation. Download SMAPI, open the archive and your Game destination folder Drag all SMAPI folders/items to your game folder So it looks like this: Open your Mods folder and look if TrainerMod.dll is in it. SMAPI is installed. 2. Safety Stuff, preventing unexpected crashes Open the Properties of StardewModdingAPI.exe Navigate to Compability und do these 3 things Compability Mode : Windows 7 Check Disable display scaling on high DPI settings Check Run this program as an administrator The same with Stardew Valley.exe This should prevent your game from crashing 3. Finally! Start the StardewModdingAPI.exe There should be a cmd like console and your game Make a new game or load one Usage: There are 3 commands as of now. player_additem <ID> <amount> <quality> player_addring <ID> player_addmelee <ID> ITEM: quality is from 0 to 2 Let's start with items e.g. some food first Looking for the item you want in the items text files (Downloads are on the Bottom). Get the ID and for example use this player_additem 206 50 0 for 50 Pizza Result:(had to remake this one) RINGS: Same as above but in rings text files get the ID and use the command: player_addring 527 for Iridium Band. Result: WEAPONS: Same with weapons text files~ player_addmelee 49 for a rapier. Result: Downloads SMAPI: http://community.playstarbound.com/threads/stardew-modding-api-0-37.108375/ should be compatible with every version ID Files: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/c3fmoy88y9kcpmh/AACtPj_pdevyrMzcgp6G8tAOa?dl=0 Dunno what happened there. Old Links http://www.mediafire.com/download/35e8dh023g9ffsf/IDList.txt http://www.mediafire.com/download/y2khl0uxqallb77/IDList.xlsx Added: Item IDs sorted by category Will move to Mediafire when servers are up
Isn't this the file that is uploaded with SMAPI? The similarities are concerning. Edit: I misunderstood, you've just made a list of IDs not the actual give item mod.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but it looks to me that all you need to use the commands is just SMAPI. Yup, just tested it & it works just like that.
i think the old item id .xlsx can sort by item type would you mind bring back that colunm pls it very convenient thanks for your work
hi again i found the problem.Its not compatible with either social editor or cjb ingame cheat menu please patch or do something
I just made use of the commands SMAPI allows us, if there is a problem with SMAPI itself, please ask the creator of SMAPI I'll look into it
@heasdwlocker the dropbox link for the item IDs appears to no longer be working, any idea where else I can find the latest version?