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Notice Account Confirmation Help Thread

Discussion in 'General Forum Help' started by Ordona, Dec 18, 2015.

  1. 1LuckyStar

    1LuckyStar Void-Bound Voyager

    Hello. I received two email to confirmations for my account. When I click the link I still am not confirmed.

    thanks in advance for your help
  2. MrBunny208

    MrBunny208 Space Hobo

    Hello, I did not receive the confirmation email. Could you manually activate my account? Thanks!
  3. ExoticEclipse

    ExoticEclipse Void-Bound Voyager

    No confirmation email, i'm certain that i spelled it correctly, Please activate my acc manually. and i've waited around 15-20 minutes
  4. JadenSadow

    JadenSadow Space Hobo

    Hello, I was hoping to download a file from the stardew valley section of this forum, and it directed me here in case I failed to receive a confirmation email. Could a staffer please activate my account?
  5. dragonmiddle

    dragonmiddle Space Hobo

    I spelled my email correctly, but I cannot received confirmation link.
  6. taengoos

    taengoos Space, The Final Frontier

    been trying to activate the account, i don't receive the emails even after switching emails
  7. descartes2639

    descartes2639 Intergalactic Tourist

    Cant activate account as I haven't got an email :( been trying for weeks
  8. Duskflower

    Duskflower Void-Bound Voyager

    hello there, i made my account but i´m not receiving my email confirmation. Please, could you help me? Thank you!

    Edit: I finally received the email! Thank you for the help, good night.
  9. FehlerHeld

    FehlerHeld Orbital Explorer

    Hello, I made an account and received an e-mail but as i click the link to confirm the page pops up saying Chucklefish Fourms -Error Your account could not be confirmed.
  10. FehlerHeld

    FehlerHeld Orbital Explorer

    I resent the email and now it confirmed properly.
  11. heptahedron

    heptahedron Space Hobo

    I'm not receiving any confirmation email

    I received them, they just took an inordinate amount of time
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2018
  12. Prime Nexus

    Prime Nexus Void-Bound Voyager

    I have not received the confirmation email
  13. WrongWay2

    WrongWay2 Aquatic Astronaut

    Cant activate account as I haven't got an email
  14. hcneyhcney

    hcneyhcney Void-Bound Voyager

    Can't activated my account, as I haven't gotten an email. Thank you in advance~!
  15. BunBeeNator

    BunBeeNator Space Hobo

    I haven't received the confirmation email either. Thanks in advance for the help.
  16. egonurse

    egonurse Mop

    I'm not receiving email
  17. anthonyp1905

    anthonyp1905 Space Hobo

    I'm trying to verify my email, but it won't send.
    I'm using G-Mail.
  18. MegaNutz

    MegaNutz Space Hobo

    Hello im having some problem conforming my account through email Please send me the email thank you !!!
  19. lupinfox

    lupinfox Void-Bound Voyager

    i put com instead of co.uk so i cant validate.
  20. Remmock

    Remmock Tentacle Wrangler

    Hello, I cannot activate my account as I am not receiving the e-mail. It has been nearly 24 hours since the first attempt at resend and have attempted several resends. Could someone kindly activate my account?

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