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Notice Account Confirmation Help Thread

Discussion in 'General Forum Help' started by Ordona, Dec 18, 2015.

  1. Activated.
  2. cursedhat

    cursedhat Orbital Explorer

    thank you!
  3. blacky123

    blacky123 Intergalactic Tourist

    Same here. Get no activation mail :(
  4. Your account looks fine now.
  5. Snickety Snek

    Snickety Snek Space Hobo

    I misspelled my email when i signed up, could you please activate it for me so i could fix it?
    Thanks in advance!
  6. Jake9039

    Jake9039 Pangalactic Porcupine

    I have waited one day, <redacted>, no confirmation email yet, please help.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 19, 2017
  7. It looks fixed now.
    You had a typo. Fixed and activated.
  8. schlo

    schlo Space Hobo

    the notification never ever shows up whenever i do it and my email is spelled correctly.
  9. Your account looks fine now.
  10. Eisbanane

    Eisbanane Space Hobo

    I don't get the Email even after resending it several times. Please activate my account. Thank you.
  11. It looks fine now.
  12. paulochv

    paulochv Space Hobo

    hi i need help, I don't get the Email to confirm my account
  13. Activated.
  14. paulochv

    paulochv Space Hobo

  15. zloirusskii

    zloirusskii Space Hobo

    I can't Activate my Account because i don't get the Email. Please send me The Mail.
  16. I've activated your account.
  17. wauw

    wauw Aquatic Astronaut

    Didn't get an email, tried to re-send it twice.
  18. Looks good now.
  19. не могу активировать аккаунт. не пришло подтверждение на электронную почту.
    I can't activate my account: "Your account is currently awaiting confirmation." - there's no new messages
  20. I have activated your account.

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