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A thing about the Stretch Goal

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Sishio, Apr 19, 2013.

  1. Eric

    Eric Existential Complex

    MuckyMuck likes this.
  2. T-Bone Biggins

    T-Bone Biggins Phantasmal Quasar

    Nobody reads my post on that page. No, the poll is if you wanted more FOCUS on vehicles. Not shouting, but people keep skipping over that tidbit. More stuff about vehicles, like customization. We have no promises on customization. All we have announced is the vehicles have sprites and animations.
  3. Eric

    Eric Existential Complex

    focus is not a stretch goal, they will focus on the mechs when they get to it, anyway tell me when you get a few hundred votes.
  4. Nife

    Nife Void-Bound Voyager

    You seem to be under the misconception that I am still emotionally invested into this matter: hardly. I posted in this thread because I felt sympathetic towards Sishio's distress concerning the stretch goals and felt like sharing my opinion. I am very much aware I'm the minority and that my opinions don't matter, and never once I have stated they are superior - but they are mine and I believe on their legitimacy.
    Airborne likes this.
  5. TheLoanArranger

    TheLoanArranger Ketchup Robot

    You didn't state it, but only technically. "They aren't listening to reason" is a statement absolutely filled with "my opinion is the only reasonable one". It's true, your opinions are legitimate and expressing them is great. But doing it in that way just makes you sound like a tool, even if you really aren't.
  6. c2h5oc2h5

    c2h5oc2h5 Phantasmal Quasar

    WYSIWYG. You know what you have paid for. You have paid in advance to get beta access, to get discount price, maybe to show support for devs, get soundtrack or to reach stretch goal that was current when you were buying the game. Noone promised you'll like next stretch goals. You might hate them, poor you, but most people voted for pets.

    Your right as a consumer is NOT to buy the game if you don't like it. Your right as a consumer is to expect that devs will finish the game if you paid for it. Your right as a consumer is to wait for the release and see if game is worth spending your money on it. Your right as a free person is to have an opinion on any subject you want, and to speak it out loud. But your right as a consumer is NOT telling producers how to make their product. It is their product. They may or may not listen to anyone advising them. You may buy or not buy the game to show your support.
  7. Heinrich843

    Heinrich843 Orbital Explorer

    I came from the group of people that was unaware of monster taming in the game, and thus thought this was the addition of domestication of creatures. I voted yes, and once you vote- you've voted.

    I try to follow the game when I can, but I've yet to find a full feature list of all the inclusions or ideas because it's still in what would be considered alpha.
  8. RedScarWolf

    RedScarWolf Spaceman Spiff

    Yeah, Molly said she was going to work on the lack of easy access to information, so hopefully that will be fixed soon.
  9. c2h5oc2h5

    c2h5oc2h5 Phantasmal Quasar

    And you, do you want to listen to reason? Let's face it: devs want to push toward release as fast as they can, and so wants the community. It is major reason for adding simple features. You - I - anyone - devs! - can come up with dozen of cool ideas, each more complex than another. Devs can add virtually anything to the game: at cost of extra development time. I'll repeat: that is the reason for simple stretch goals. Because all stretch goals revealed so far are simple code-wise; only thing that makes pets different from previous goals is that they are not that spectacular.

    You can call me fanboy, I don't care. As a side note I'd like to add one more fact: while "hiring additional people" in order to code complex stretch goals while not delaying release date may sound good (they got fricking million $ blah blah), it won't work actually. Brook's law states: "adding manpower to a late software project makes it later", and while it is oversimplification, the fact is that hiring additional coders is wise long-term, but short-term it most likely won't speed up development, if not slow it down. On the other hand I believe hiring additional artists can indeed speed up content creation: please note all stretch goals so far were indeed more art-based than code-based, which supports my opinion.

    To sum up: one doesn't simply walk into the bar and make ground-breaking code changes to the game just before release. One polishes features already implemented or adds some minor ones, and of course fixes bugs. Fixes bugs at the first place actually.
    RedScarWolf and Eric like this.
  10. Sousuke Kuroda

    Sousuke Kuroda Spaceman Spiff

    And you, do you want to listen to reason? Let's face it: devs want to push toward release as fast as they can, [/quote]

    I wonder about that, based on the perfectionist vibe I get from some of the stuff Tiy says and the constant "BE PATIENT! WHEN IT COMES IT'LL BE GREAT!" I get from everyone, including developers. I don't think they're pushing a release.

    I agree with you, and hence my issue with the pets. The first stretch goal was a new race of gas people which is pretty cool, the next goal was a fossil system, being able to dig up and collect the bones of dead animals and maybe eventually bring them back to life, awesome, then suddenly the third stretch goal for the big 1 mil is what are essentially vanity pets. Whatever function you give them wont really change them all that much. If they're combat pets you'll replace them pretty quickly with a tamed monster, if they take resources back to the ship, you can already teleport items from your inventory to your ship, if they send messages to other players, you can already do that via chat system. Perhaps they'll act like the Fable dog and find treasure and fossils for you, if this is the case I sincerely hope they are not the only means of doing so.

    Personally I don't see how anyone could call you a fanboy based on that. I wouldn't call you a fanboy unless you began to slander us for daring to speak against the developers, or if you acknowledged that you thought the pets were a bad idea for a stretch goal but voted yes anyway to support the devs. Its a mentality that is way too common on these forums and I think its detrimental to a games development to take advice from a huge group of yes men.

    Also nice name diethyl ether.
    Airborne likes this.
  11. Taddl

    Taddl Title Not Found

    "but they make for lovable and useful companions all the same!" I guess this quote taken from the preorder page suggests that the pets arent pure vanity. We'll just have to wait and see.
  12. Dwagon

    Dwagon Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    You dismiss those whose arguments you disagree with as "fanboys" and then beg for reason?
    It's difficult to play the victim when you're still throwing stones.
  13. Sousuke Kuroda

    Sousuke Kuroda Spaceman Spiff

    To be fair quite a lot of the opposing arguments consist of *ahem*
    Airborne likes this.
  14. Ein_the_Bard

    Ein_the_Bard Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Guys....who cares?
    Starbound is still gonna be the best game ever, stretch goals be damned. We have fossils and Novakid, Chucklefish has an awesome amount of support, let's just be happy about that, alright?
    IndieGamerRid likes this.
  15. Dwagon

    Dwagon Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    I honestly don't give a damn if they were.
    Generalizing dissenting opinions by attacking the people who hold them isn't "reasonable", it's fallacious.
    "Attack the argument, not the person."
  16. Sousuke Kuroda

    Sousuke Kuroda Spaceman Spiff

    Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I wouldn't say he's attacking anyone, he's quite rightly pointing out that the vast majority of people on these forums have a real fanboyish attitude toward the developers to the point where they wont provide criticism and rush to the developers defense like flies on a turd if anyone does.

    No offense to Ein_the_Bard but he happened to provide a perfect example of the kind of thing we see all the time on the forums. No criticism and dismissing other arguments with "Who cares? Game will be great, chucklefish is great."
    Airborne and Skyblade799 like this.
  17. Baleine

    Baleine Big Damn Hero

    I feel like a lot of people in the forum aren't getting that the stretch goals aren't : We're selling that pretty cool (or lousy) feature for that amount of money.
    It's nothing like that. Like its name is saying it is a stretch goal : We can do it better/harder if we have x$ more.

    And one shouldn't forget what is the point of all this. The point isn't adding some pets, the point is to release a (outstanding) game. And you won't release a game if you keep adding this or that over and over. (Or the game would be arguing pointlessly with threads like this on the forum, which will be boring rapidly).

    You are pissed that the stretch goal is useless starter pets ? I'm not fond of it either. In fact, if the choice would have been mine, I wouldn't have made a third stretch goal at all.

    You're out of your mind. They add a stretch goal to try to please the community, otherwise they wouldn't have made them. People preordering ain't preordering for stretch, huh ?
    And as for devs "not listening to reason", I'd say they listen to the majority, who vote yes at 66%. Maybe you're not listening them ?

    This is intended for every guy like you that say the "worth" phrase ad nauseam : You paid for the game dimwit ! The novakids, fossils and starting pets are just extra !! (And in fact they'll just be functional earlier than planned.

    I'm getting sick of you guys, seriously. If you felt like you paid for the Novakids and fossils, I'd say you should think about it seriously. That community doesn't deserve the amount of bile spawning about that useless pets. Pets that you can choose to not start with (or kill or let them into their storage). I really don't see the reason for your rant and bitterness
  18. Remnant Drive

    Remnant Drive Pangalactic Porcupine

    Why does this argument exist? I know people, as we are, have opinions, but this is getting to be very ridiculous!

    Rant incoming. Hold onto your monitors.

    I've noticed right off the bat the sort of entitlement that people seem to be hugging to their chests for dear life. As stated previously, the pre-orders were put up with the goal of feeding the developers, who, as you know, have gotten second jobs to keep themselves afloat while they work on the game. When they initially put out preorders, there were no stretch goals at all! I preordered anyway! Fifteen bucks and a tweet, yay! And then the Novakids appeared and we all (save a few) pretty much had the following reaction:


    According to the developers, the extra funding in the goal of 500K would go towards hiring a new artist as to not impact release time. Shortly after that, bam! 500K. We're getting star-people-cowboy things. Now we got fossils. I, personally, wasn't too thrilled about it (due to my lack of interest in archeology), but I found it neat as hell due to the fact that the community sort of latched onto it with the ferocity of a (heh) velociraptor. Few days later, we got that too.

    Then wild PETS appeared!

    I, myself, admit to loving the idea very much, due to me being the sentimental person I am. Others reacted a bit harshly. "That's it?" some say. "This is the super-duper-awesome 1 Million Stretch Goal?"

    Okay, so it is. Is there really a problem? Is it such a hassle, a scandal, even, that this goal is not as development-heavy or groundbreakingly, Raiders-of-the-Lost-Ark-German-Eyeball-Melting-Stupendous as the previous goals? Some people are throwing the 'useless' argument around. If they truly are, don't use them. It's as if you guys are expecting not to get any extra content post-release, as if the goals we are hitting are the only extra content we'll be able to get before the game is launched. Again, they have said (though I have already put more effort into this post than I should have to bother quoting) that they plan to add content to the game post-release, and continue to do so for a long, long time.
  19. Ein_the_Bard

    Ein_the_Bard Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Well I think Chucklefish is pretty great.
    But anyways, I didn't agree with the pets at first. I thought it was silly to have them, as they seemed useless. But I realized it doesn't matter. They're just a bonus to an already awesome game. No need for so much hate.
  20. Sheez

    Sheez Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I <3 this. Succinctly stating a thing that clearly needs stating. Rock on.

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