A New Challenger Has Appeared

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself!' started by DatorSin, Aug 24, 2013.


Who is your great master and overlord?

  1. Dator

  2. Dator

  3. Dator

  4. Dator

  1. DatorSin

    DatorSin Big Damn Hero

    "But really folks, what's the deal with airline food. Is it food, or poor piloting.

    And what's the deal with going on dates. You gotta be somewhere?"

    -In memorial of Jerry Seinfeld's Death


    Anyways, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. The pleasure's all yours of course. After all, my goal is galactic conquest and you will all come to no me as master.
    Mwahahahah -hack- -cough- hahahahahahaha!
    Core likes this.
  2. Core

    Core Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Um well, hello then Dator, welcome to the Starbound community!

    I'm assuming Jerry from the comedy show Seinfeld? Man that show was great... Well then I'm glad to have you here, and while yo' taking over the universe, I'm gonna fly away :DD
  3. DatorSin

    DatorSin Big Damn Hero

    Thank you for acknowledging my quest for conquest. You should join my militia. We should have a clan up soon. I think you'd make quite a good front line soldier.
    Core likes this.
  4. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    Wait...Seinfield died? Since when? :wtf:
    Farathil and Core like this.
  5. DatorSin

    DatorSin Big Damn Hero

    Since... Er... Don't question your leader and overlord.
    Core likes this.
  6. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    And if I see him, I'll be sure to remember. :p
    Farathil likes this.
  7. Evangelion

    Evangelion Supernova

    What? Seinfield isn't dead! Did somebody start some stupid hoax thing again?
    Core likes this.
  8. DatorSin

    DatorSin Big Damn Hero

    So will you fight the fight for my empire?
    Core likes this.
  9. DatorSin

    DatorSin Big Damn Hero

    Glad you're interested in fighting for me! I'll be sure to put you in my slave mines.
    Core likes this.
  10. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    What empire would that be?

    You know, you can quote multiple posts within a single post of your own.
    Core likes this.
  11. DatorSin

    DatorSin Big Damn Hero

    Of course I do. I'm just rushed. This is only one of few projects I'm working on.

    My army is for the sole purpose of intergalactic conquest. We are Mortuus. The Dead.
    Right now we are working on dominating this forum instead of the universe because we don't have a universe to conquer.
    Core likes this.
  12. Core

    Core Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Oh my, what a plot twist :lolwut:
  13. DatorSin

    DatorSin Big Damn Hero

    Fight for my army!
    Core likes this.
  14. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    Right...well, good luck with that. :whistle:
    Core likes this.
  15. DatorSin

    DatorSin Big Damn Hero

    Does this mean you aren't helping? After all we've been through together?
    Core likes this.
  16. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    Not as such...I'll be cheering you on from the metaphorical sidelines.
    CalamityQuote and Core like this.
  17. DatorSin

    DatorSin Big Damn Hero

    Farathil and Core like this.
  18. Mystic_Wulf

    Mystic_Wulf Existential Complex

    Hello Dator that for some reason is my overlord, welcome to da communities
    Core likes this.
  19. DatorSin

    DatorSin Big Damn Hero

    I'm glad that you're so on board. Want a role in my army?
    Core likes this.
  20. Daashi

    Daashi Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Hello Dator. Welcome to the Starbound community.

    Please have a cookie. :cookie:

    I refuse to bow at another's feet, I shall never call you master!
    Core likes this.

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