Modding Discussion A mod request if it's ok: Weapon upgrades

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by Serg1994, Jun 21, 2016.

  1. Serg1994

    Serg1994 Void-Bound Voyager

    It would be awesome if someone could make a new station, where you can upgrade every kind of weapon.
    Im talking about the actual stats and special abilities of the weapons, for example changing a rocket launchers special from rocketburst to guided or homing, but also adding a special to a weapon which has none or removing it to increase the other stats. An option to upgrade a weapon to the next tierlevel would be awesome.
    About the stats: increasing the damage of a gun but decreasig the firerate and/or increasing energy cost.
    Meele weapons would have decreased swingspeed for higher damage.
    If possible, including bows would make longer drawtime or more energycost for higher damage...
    All that in exchange for pixels or materials to balance it of course ;)

    I've searched the forum checked pretty much every mod, didn't find anything in this direction.
    Skelozard1 likes this.
  2. FireFlyForLife

    FireFlyForLife Aquatic Astronaut

    this would be a very cool mod, I will look into the possibilities :)
  3. captainradish

    captainradish Void-Bound Voyager

    The Peglaci mod has something *similar.* It's not exactly what you're talking about, but the weapon tiers are built around improving a single starter sidearm.
  4. Serg1994

    Serg1994 Void-Bound Voyager

    Thx :) would be awesome if it would work

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