This is a suggestion, yes, but since its mod related, I felt it was more correct to post it here than in the suggestion section that is mostly for in game stuff. Today I took my first tries at modding, and its certainly easy and relatively intuitive, but I still feel some things are just not as much as they could. And so, I was wondering about a possible future program for starbound, a mod maker. I imagine you could start getting asked what you want to make, a weapon, item, anything, then it loads a template base for it, then you simply modify the parameters or add new ones (Each properly explained and simplified from the code, if something calls other files for stuff, like explosions or particles), you can select sprites from in game, or load your own, and the system can then say if its a valid mod, not resulting into the generic item. You could then save it and it would automatically store it in the correct way. Maybe even letting you set up the recipe for it should it have, or specify if its dropped, found or what, and if so, where. It would really open modding to many more of us, because while I did manage to make an OP pick as a test, I failed miserably to either make it shine, and make a bomb that exploded stronger than the standard one. I Am sure both are perfectly possible, but my point is maybe in the pick construction phase I could select to 'Make Lightsource' or something, and it automatically calls for the correct code. I recall Minecraft had soemthing similar, so I can only imagine what Starbound could do with such a tool. Is this something you guys have planned? Not possible? Too hard/useless? I am kind of curious. Who knows, maybe could get interested in the idea reading this.
I believe someone's already building this: I doubt it'd be something the devs would do - sounds very third party/community driven to me.
I did imagine it as a community sort of thing, like a mod editor. But anyways, that's great to hear, that someone is making one! Will be able to do much more stuff then.