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A Generated Monster Every Friday!

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by TheMurumasa, Jul 13, 2012.

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  1. Hukasu

    Hukasu Cosmic Narwhal

    once i triple posted, but the true culprit was my internet, and it was on a private conversation

    and i still think it is a mutated zerg spawn
  2. natelovesyou

    natelovesyou Oxygen Tank

    Good grief, man!! 7 posts in a row, almost all of which were not necessary? Gah. Are you 8 or something?

    Oh, right... the topic. Ahem. Where are the turtles and tortoises?? I've wanted to see a large, deadly, slow tortoise for a while now. :idea:
  3. Cobalt16

    Cobalt16 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Was that a septuple post? That takes a whole lot of skill...:facepalm:
    WoxandWarf likes this.
  4. ChaoticGamer

    ChaoticGamer Master Astronaut

    I thought its a lagoon creature, but it does really look like a mole rat to me...maybe its mix of lagoon and also mole rat...mostly mole rat style...
    Mopy likes this.
  5. Maybe it's a mole rat that evolved to survive in the water? I'm so excited to get a pet!
    ChaoticGamer likes this.
  6. Leokins

    Leokins Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Redheat and WoxandWarf like this.
  7. MeerkatMercenary

    MeerkatMercenary Void-Bound Voyager

    its not that hard u know :ninja:
  8. Leokins

    Leokins Subatomic Cosmonaut

    What's not..?
  9. Zailiner

    Zailiner Over 9000!!!

    I think he's talking about editing posts.
  10. Leokins

    Leokins Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I doubt it, considering he's incapable of doing that. :lod:
    WoxandWarf likes this.
  11. budsygus

    budsygus Pangalactic Porcupine

    Name him Chompy.
    Zailiner likes this.
  12. Shuichi

    Shuichi Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I'm in love with Legris, Zailiner's Rainbow Legris, and #39. They're beautiful. <3
    LukØs and Zailiner like this.
  13. Voltian

    Voltian Void-Bound Voyager

    I shall name him Chompy, and he shall be mine , and he shall be my Chompy.:rofl:
    Mopy likes this.
  14. Steambirds

    Steambirds Starship Captain

    The floating slug dude needs to be one of the passive creatures you can encounter.
  15. sd151024

    sd151024 Master Chief

  16. Lomi

    Lomi 2.7182818284590...

    Are we all so involved in the Easter Egg hunt that we have forgotten our new monster?
  17. sd151024

    sd151024 Master Chief

    [Spore] remember?:cry:
  18. Weiland

    Weiland Big Damn Hero

    The only easter egg I noticed was the cake. The cake is, again, promised to us. But I wonder...

    Is it real this time? Or is the cake... a LIE?
  19. MantasX12

    MantasX12 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Legris is so awesome ! :rainbow:
  20. I tweeted the monster earlier! Nobody's posted it in the thread, haha.

    "Don't drink that coffee-- I found this week's monster IN the percolator!"
    onerb2, NabuK, Left and 7 others like this.
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