..... "ah, there done" the hylotl hands you a piece of thick, juicy, sweet-smelling ribs. "thirsty" the hylotl says before reaching into a cooler behind his tent and taking out 2 root-pop bottles.
"Ah. Appreciated." He responds before taking only a rib, declining on the root-pop since he still had his warm beverage.
"well, how've you been?" creeper asks trying to start conversing....... 15 minutes of long, painful, overall akward talk of trying to pass time, *yawns* "i'm tired, better sleep before i end up awake all night.... hey you wanna sleep here?" creeper says as he pulls out a sleeping bad and unrolls it next to the fire, "heres and extra roll if you wanna" as he says, laying back to wait for a responce
"I presume." He responds before sitting down on the sleeping bag. Other than actually using it for its intended purpose, he stays awake messing with his eyepiece and waving his arms about.
the hylotl curls up into his tent, like a den, and looks like a chibi while sleeping... 12 hours pass it is now 7 am in the morning creeper wakes up to see you finnishing your coco from last night, "morning" creeper says, still half asleep.
*a floran pops up out of the forest* "I sense sssome warmth" As the floran walks up towards you two, he stares deeply at the hylotl's skin, trying to comprehend if fish or human. After that he looks at the apex, a nice furry guy.. She introduces herself as Ursa Minor, a fellow hunter and lover of the wild. She asks for your names, while already making herself comfy. She takes and ocarina from her huge backpack.
Looking calm , she replies "I'm just warming myself up, you two don't seem dangerous". She takes of a rustic metal lunch box , with rice and some meat, and she puts it nearby the campfire
"wuh" he wonders, expecting an attack, "oh sorry, we hylotl arent used to passive floran... and i just woke up" the hylotl says while slipping into his power armour "well, let us introduce ourselves, I am Creeper Borgcy" he said, nudging the apex next to him to get his half-awake attention
"Nice to meet you two .. I always knew passive florans.. they always said how other races are kind and peculiar, almost enough to praise you! I've been in this planet for quite a while now.. its full of resources and fresh meat. What ticks you to surviving ? Is it hunger or something greater?" She asks, with rather high expectations on your reasons to be alive.
"well" the hylotl said, taking 3 frozen waffles from his cooler, "beacuase of previous classified events, i have to lay low for a while, i was travelling to the nearest village when i got caught in that thunderstorm last night"
"oh that's sound interesting!" she says , while eating a part of the meat. "what about your past though? Was there any action?" She asks while eating the rice now.
"well lets see..." the hylotl said whilist placing the waffles on a flat board that he than placed over the fire. "my dad founded a robotics company, he was murdered for rebelling against the force of the miniknog and... i started a technology-based military hellbent on destroying the miniknog and there allies the united systems colonial marines... aaand there were a lot of cool fights involved until our main headquarters were destroyed and.. here i am now"
A lone sallok wanders into the premises... "Excuse me, but would anyone fancy a quick bout of clashed steel?"
"Pardon my intrusion, but I heard you were a man of reasonable combat ability. Would you fancy a duel? Or shall we simply chat and drink tea?"
"If I win, I win... If you win, you win! In the end, both parties get bandages and healed, and all is jolly well and good!"
"really, No stringes attached?" *rips sheath off sword like the underwear off the first girl he- oh shit i really am gonna get fucked for that joke,* "well my friend, i hope you have lady luck on your side, blow her a kiss for me"