7th June Update

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by OmnipotentEntity, Jun 8, 2013.

  1. Hydrae

    Hydrae Cosmic Narwhal

    Not exactly the trailer I was expecting but I'm sure this choice of marketing will do the trick. Who wouldn't want the game after seeing that? :zombie:
  2. AdenSword

    AdenSword Pangalactic Porcupine

    i would like an answer from the other devs on this

    did Omni ask if he could do this or not or did he just Troll without permission
  3. EvilGlenn

    EvilGlenn Master Chief

    Trailer of the century
  4. captain derps

    captain derps Starship Captain

    that trailer... that man better be the loading screen for the game.
  5. AdenSword

    AdenSword Pangalactic Porcupine

    but you see the thing is it got all of our hopes UP WAY HIGH and then we were just stunned by how stupid the video is (and i did watch the whole video and i do not know how anyone who likes starbound could laugh at that) and i really was hurt by it
  6. Milly Rainbowskittlez

    Milly Rainbowskittlez Cosmic Narwhal

    Trailers usually dont come out until near release, they havent even started beta testing yet, meaning this game is still in its alpha stages. Everyones been busy doing their stuff and if they did grace us with a trailer it would probably be on their time at the moment, instead of on work time.
    Though i wont disagree, it would be nice to have more gameplay footage, its just simply to early for good trailers to be set.
    AdenSword likes this.
  7. pwner53

    pwner53 Over 9000!!!

    What if that old man is Omni...:eek: Lock your doors everyone...
  8. Hollow

    Hollow Phantasmal Quasar

    So many posts in this topic are cringeworthy. I genuinely hope the people offended by the joke trailer get refunds so I never encounter them in-game.
    AdenSword likes this.
  9. OmnipotentEntity

    OmnipotentEntity Code Monkey Forum Administrator

    I totally did this without asking permission.
  10. captain derps

    captain derps Starship Captain

  11. Burasuko

    Burasuko Space Spelunker

    I love that video!
  12. VoidFusion

    VoidFusion Contact!

    Why am I so surprised at that video? Should've known it was coming.
    AdenSword likes this.
  13. iamded

    iamded Void-Bound Voyager

    Hahahaha, outstanding. I think the only thing better than that 'trailer' is how flustered some people are getting about it. :p
    You guys are fantastic to keep up with these daily updates. I thought this would be needless to say, there's no harm in a joke once in a while.
  14. Tadundra

    Tadundra Void-Bound Voyager

    This is the best trailer for a video game in the history of, well, ever! I mean just look at those graphics, the movements are so fluid, and that MUSIC, I mean just listen to it! I just don't understand how people will be able to resist buying a game with qualities such as those! :lolwut:

    Now, in all honesty, I clicked on the link thinking it was too good to be true, and it obviously was, but because I admire and respect the developers and their devotion to the game and it's community so much, There is just NO WAY that I could EVER be mad because of this troll. I mean, you have to admit that it's pretty awesome to have developers who aren't afraid to show that they are actual people with a sense of humor and not just money grabbing machines.
    AdenSword likes this.
  15. Pixeludicrous

    Pixeludicrous Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I get ya, pal... seeing that probably sent a lot of hopes soaring. I found it humorous because of how ironic the video was, and I just have a really dry sense of humor, but again, that's my opinion and I get that. I've got no problem with it bothering people though, and I've got no problem with people voicing their discontent... it's the vehement, presumptuous demeanor of some of the posts that are just making my skin crawl. I can respect people who get their point across without being disrespectful and entitled, which is the majority of the people! Just a select few who seem to be a little rude.
    flippitydip and AdenSword like this.
  16. Dungeon Master

    Dungeon Master Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I can already see this as the main trailer on steam. Downloadable as a 1920x1080 file.
    flippitydip and Pixeludicrous like this.
  17. 13SithDeceiver13

    13SithDeceiver13 Pangalactic Porcupine

    You sir, have won the internets.
    Milly Rainbowskittlez likes this.
  18. Pixeludicrous

    Pixeludicrous Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I want this to be a thing. What better way to induct members to the cul- I mean community. ;)
  19. Fuzzy Sasquatch

    Fuzzy Sasquatch Orbital Explorer

    I'm not sure if anyone has asked, but will you please make that guy from the trailer an npc in game?
    IvAnEss_GZN and flippitydip like this.
  20. Venthas

    Venthas Aquatic Astronaut

    I can't wait to find the aliens with the weird, weird eyes...
    AdenSword likes this.

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