7th July Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Armagon, Jul 8, 2013.

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  1. Hellspawned

    Hellspawned Master Chief

    One question: Where are the steam-driven bagpipes?!

    Seriously though, this is pretty damn amazing for a weekend project! Keep it up, and don't forget to mix it up with some fictional, whacky instruments too! :)
    darkparadise likes this.
  2. Mitchgeek

    Mitchgeek Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    HAHAHA! AWESOME! I just had a happy fit at work and I hope no one saw. <3 pOrtal <3 <3 <3
  3. IcyOrio

    IcyOrio Cosmic Narwhal

    Please, for the LOVE OF GOD! Add Harps, Saxophones, chorus and Theremins! D: Atleast add the first three if possible; I need Sax for smoother songs. >~<
    AdenSword, LoneRobo and Chadpole like this.
  4. Corrderio

    Corrderio Aquatic Astronaut

    Now if I knew how to play music...
  5. mclovin

    mclovin Big Damn Hero

    it would be cool if you could make music match with keys you use on keyboard like push Q=C W=C# E=D R=D# etc.. continue on or after R go down to A=E or even on screen like an old game i use to play using screen shot as example that would make this game the best game ever but meh might be lots of works :/ (unless thats what you were doing which i originally thought you were maybe not in the way i was describing but i thought something similar to it)

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  6. Weeman0000

    Weeman0000 Void-Bound Voyager

    Ammonite likes this.
  7. Ammonite

    Ammonite Space Penguin Leader

    What i never realized was how the camera angle changes when you enter and leave the water, so you can actually see the ocean in the distance, very nice :monkey:
  8. PikaRock

    PikaRock Intergalactic Tourist

    Another great update, I never thought I would be exited for music in a game but you guys are doing a great job!
    Also I guess tomorrow we will hear about the tools Omni has been working on.
  9. Biidi

    Biidi Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    When I saw the thumbnail for the video at first I thought it was going to be Dueling Banjos because all I could see were the two guitar players on the sides, but this is pretty awesome too.
  10. LeChavii

    LeChavii Poptop Tamer

    Please, Add a Ocarina ! :)
    Chadpole likes this.
  11. IcyOrio

    IcyOrio Cosmic Narwhal

    Yes, please don't add just basic instruments and let us have some diversity with our instruments. >~<
    AdenSword and Chadpole like this.

    MOONWELL Master Chief

    i need beta access!!!
  13. Toryu-Mau

    Toryu-Mau 2.7182818284590...

    Goodness Gracious, *Twenty-Plus* instrument ?!
    We could start an entire Orchestra !!! In SPACE !!! :mwahaha:

    PS: That Mohawk :love:
    AdenSword and Chadpole like this.
  14. Thaeltis

    Thaeltis Void-Bound Voyager

    I've dreamt to hear that in Starbound, this is awesome. Keep going
  15. vapraiz

    vapraiz Void-Bound Voyager

    amazingĀ” please add a portal gun , pianos and theremins
  16. tienkole

    tienkole Aquatic Astronaut

    I don't know if it's been recommended yet - but I'd love to see some unusual, alien instruments, not only human-made ones. Otherwise... awesome work. Keep it up!
  17. gotTodance

    gotTodance Sandwich Man

    How does this works exactly? Do you have several Keys with diffrent Sounds or do you need notes to play a whole song?
    Hope you also add some nice dance moves ! :iswydt:
  18. Jayux

    Jayux Astral Cartographer

    Sorry I can't hangout out tonight I have "BAND PRACTICE". ^.^
  19. tienkole

    tienkole Aquatic Astronaut

    Oh and guitar (pedal) effects! :whoop:
  20. FrozenFlame

    FrozenFlame Giant Laser Beams

    That is a "beautiful" cry btw.
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