7th July Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Armagon, Jul 8, 2013.

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  1. Shalderave

    Shalderave Big Damn Hero

    IF someone could find a website or a forum topic where you can request the creation of an ABC file of a song, if you're an idiot like me and go cross-eyed looking at the wikipedia page, that would be absolutely amazing.
  2. Chadpole

    Chadpole Aquatic Astronaut

    Oh god, this is so exciting!
    Armagon. ARMAGON!
    PLEASE tell me you're putting tuba in there. Tuba.
    Dude. This is so awesome. This game is going to take over my entire life.
  3. Archer

    Archer Spaceman Spiff

    This adds a lot of mood to the game (instruments), really loving it all.
  4. voltfan

    voltfan Void-Bound Voyager

    Haha, I just noticed that myself! Time to re-form the legendary "Beatles"! *Paul, John, Ringo, And George form into a giant robot and fly into the majestic sky, to explore the universe*
  5. Zalgo

    Zalgo Void-Bound Voyager

    This is going to be quite excellent but I still have yet to hear news on the pipe organ. How else am I going to get use out of my villainous black cape and top hat?
  6. BurningChalice

    BurningChalice Aquatic Astronaut

    Accordion and Bagpipes or GTFO lol just saying
  7. AdenSword

    AdenSword Pangalactic Porcupine

    its a sunday they do side projects on sunday they are focusing on core features
  8. Gandrak3

    Gandrak3 Void-Bound Voyager

    this needs a Didgeridoo ASAP. Just for the extra amount of silly it'll bring to the table.
    TheUnartist and Chadpole like this.
  9. Damuranashi

    Damuranashi Existential Complex

    I never thought that Gohan would play a flute so good.
    Chadpole likes this.
  10. voltfan

    voltfan Void-Bound Voyager

    It's from portal, It's called "Still alive".
  11. Evithlia

    Evithlia Weight of the Sky

    Thanks chucklefish team ! :rofl:
    voltfan likes this.
  12. Oathrunner

    Oathrunner Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Have you already or is it even possible to add drums or any kind of percussion using ABC Notation?
  13. AdenSword

    AdenSword Pangalactic Porcupine

    NO the cake is real

    you just....cant eat it, but it exists the end of portal one proves it
  14. JustJoeNoBody

    JustJoeNoBody Phantasmal Quasar

    I believe that I'll be in need of a blues harmonica. I understand that they are vital to survival in the wilderness.
    TheUnartist likes this.
  15. Zeldias

    Zeldias Aquatic Astronaut


    Please? :) I play them irl. That'd be fun.
    TheUnartist likes this.
  16. Rhondis

    Rhondis Aquatic Astronaut

    I can make my own band? That's pretty sweet! I shall call it... Glitched out! Boom. It's gonna hit big, just like The Beatles!
  17. voltfan

    voltfan Void-Bound Voyager

    Were you just referring to me? ;)
  18. AdenSword

    AdenSword Pangalactic Porcupine

    sorry couldent find a video of the real episode without edited audio
    Ammonite, voltfan and Rrueya like this.
  19. Satacok

    Satacok Master Chief

    Awesome. I was afraid songs would require manual playing, but this makes it sound as if there are some songs added in already. Which is great for me, since I'm terrible at all things music but love the concept.
  20. Smeagol

    Smeagol Void-Bound Voyager

    And after this, dubstep guns...
    Kyle873 and TheUnartist like this.
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