7th July Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Armagon, Jul 8, 2013.

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  1. MrMas35

    MrMas35 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    This was the daily update on my birthday! :D
    posha85 likes this.
  2. cinaeth

    cinaeth Void-Bound Voyager

    Less dodgy and less connection issues.I'm pretty sure I remember servers would work more or less the same, as in someone hosts a server, and you connect to it. Not, there's an online server hosted by Chucklefish that everyone connects to. I've seen that vid too, and yea, it's nice that there will be less issues. I was just saying the way you would have multiplayer is the same.
    posha85 likes this.
  3. posha85

    posha85 Tentacle Wrangler

    .....that...... left me speechless. i love the song choice, Portal ROCKS. i really like the sound of a portal gun... how incredible would that be. i envision a portal-puzzle style dungeon in starbound... now THAT would be something else.
    anyways, back on topic.... this instrument system you're creating is awesome. it gives the game a feeling of personality that is rare and highly sought after. by me. love your work guys.
  4. AdenSword

    AdenSword Pangalactic Porcupine

    all im hoping for is just no I.P. address crap cuz that's annoying i mean why can they not just have a list of servers and you just password the one your hosting oh and why not be able to invite friends to the server
  5. Zailiner

    Zailiner Over 9000!!!

    Happy birthday!
    MrMas35 and Keito like this.
  6. Pofinator

    Pofinator Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Is there a trombone? :D
  7. SkeletonGamer123

    SkeletonGamer123 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    AdenSword and Ruin like this.
  8. Teih

    Teih Sandwich Man


    Ok this is amazing.
  9. Steller_clive

    Steller_clive Void-Bound Voyager

    Now All that I see is needed is a sound recorder and stereo think about it. starbound bands recording songs and you being able to download full songs and play them on your ship or as you build or explore.
  10. Requite

    Requite Master Chief

    So I'm officially excited to play music in this game.

    Weird? Maybe.

    Who cares!

    Music = happiness.
  11. Hyrseht

    Hyrseht Void-Bound Voyager

    Well, maybe not the only thing left that is needed, as they've already said "more to come", but I agree that being able to record songs inside Starbound and be able to share them with everyone is a really cool idea.
  12. LiteShadow1719

    LiteShadow1719 Void-Bound Voyager

    When will the progress for 7/8/2013 be posted?
  13. julz19

    julz19 Phantasmal Quasar

    I'm sad we dont see any updates today...at least yet!
  14. Nylas

    Nylas Void-Bound Voyager

    If it's another update where they spent the day with a weekend project instead of building the beta I am going to cry...
  15. Dzelda

    Dzelda Parsec Taste Tester

    Even Chucklefish needs to take a rest every once in awhile...

    Seriously, slavery was abolished a couple centuries ago...
    AdenSword and Sheerhatred like this.
  16. SuperOops23

    SuperOops23 Void-Bound Voyager

    Space log 100:
    2:48 am, I still cannot sleep because the July 8th daily update isn't out
    My bags are getting bags under my bags on my eyes (Bag ception). I just wanna sleep. Someone please save me. WHERE IS THE JULY 8th DAILY UPDATE.
    That is all i have to record.
    ~SuperOops23, P.s this is because I'm black Isn't it
    julz19 likes this.
  17. julz19

    julz19 Phantasmal Quasar

    i know how you feel lol..i feel pathetic for coming back every 5minutes :alien:
    SuperOops23 likes this.
  18. Retroyoshi

    Retroyoshi Aquatic Astronaut

    Encore! Encore! Amazing job with the notation! not many games I've seen that has a decent music system like system like this where you make you own music! If I was to make two suggestions though, i ask that implement some really exotic instruments like a didgeridoo, hang, monster tubulum, ( and as if I really had to mention it ) alien instrument that are only achievable with specific races. Just another reason to have very diverse party.
  19. sharpnel100

    sharpnel100 Orbital Explorer

    And I say: HEYYYEYYYEYYYYEEE HEEEEYEEEEYEEEE, I said HEY, that's a pretty amazing post.;)
  20. Nylas

    Nylas Void-Bound Voyager

    I am fine with them taking a week off, just not with wasting time on features that only delays the release of the beta. (I don't consider the feature useless, just that it could have been added post beta)
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