7th July Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Armagon, Jul 8, 2013.

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  1. Senego Trainz

    Senego Trainz Subatomic Cosmonaut

    This is great!

    We certainly need the instruments to properly recreate this scene:

    Bloody tournaments in my own arena with this backgroundmusic...:love:
  2. JT`

    JT` Phantasmal Quasar

    The one thing that strikes me about this and the previous preview video are the self-harmonies going on. Someone else pointed it out as tongue-in-cheek in the June 30th thread when Tiy was doing the drunken sailor theme, but for me as a former MIDI sequencer, it feels hugely weird, and not on a tongue-in-cheek level. =)

    While I'm sure this is simply a matter of a properly constructed ABC file, will it be possible to layer multiple instruments of the same type to create an orchestral harmony or a big band style? Natch we'll be limited by MIDI level quality, but that's not a big deal.
    ShadowWolf_04 likes this.
  3. I don't wish that DEVs put too much effort into this music stuff, it can perfectly be worked and perfected after beta / launch, as devs state so many times "it will be post-launch because it would delay beta". Since this is clearly more than a weekend project now. But it looks nice for some casual play. :alien:
    AdenSword likes this.
  4. Dynafols

    Dynafols Black Hole Surfer

    Pause at 2:50 and look at the lady with the purple hair... BLINKING CONFIRMED!
  5. Kroghammer

    Kroghammer Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    That is the first time you noticed blinking? You can see it in other videos...
  6. Dynafols

    Dynafols Black Hole Surfer

    I personally almost never notice something like that, I mean it is a single dot.
    PurpleSquirel43 likes this.
  7. lpp911

    lpp911 Zero Gravity Genie

    That is one catchy song.... Can't get it outta my head heheh
  8. SquareTaco

    SquareTaco Orbital Explorer

    It needs more cowbell
    Seir likes this.
  9. ShadowWolf_04

    ShadowWolf_04 Master Chief

    We NEED distortion guitars to get a metal band going! And having portal guns later in the game would be great!
  10. Kroghammer

    Kroghammer Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Right; it is tiny too and doesn't happen often. I guess I just watch every video I can about starbound.
  11. mikekennedz

    mikekennedz Aquatic Astronaut

  12. Jamtoes

    Jamtoes Big Damn Hero

  13. NeverZitrone

    NeverZitrone Aquatic Astronaut

    I assume that the instruments will have racial backgrounds? Maybe some instruments for fun that will be only possible with Starbound technology?
  14. Piano

    Piano Starship Captain

    This is perfect for me..
  15. dannyboy8899

    dannyboy8899 Aquatic Astronaut

    they are concentrating on the core features, but just don't post that stuff in the daily updates as they may not be very interesting for us players.
    The other 'less important' features (the features that do not seem very important and some may say that they could wait till after release) will actually be very important in creating the overall atmosphere of the game.
    Seir likes this.
  16. AdenSword

    AdenSword Pangalactic Porcupine

    its just "want you gone" not "i only want you gone"
  17. AdenSword

    AdenSword Pangalactic Porcupine

    OH i know we need a turret instrument

    P.S. most of you have most likely not heard the extended version
  18. AdenSword

    AdenSword Pangalactic Porcupine

    *sigh*how many people did not read that one update ok tiy please say it on EVERY sunday update and i quote "ON SUNDAYS WE WORK ON SIDE PROJECTS THAT MAY OR MAY NOT MAKE IT IN THE GAME" (ok it was not caps but you get the point) so they work on nonsense every sunday
    Shalderave likes this.
  19. Seir

    Seir Phantasmal Quasar

    Oh gad!! Instrumental sonic weaponry!!!! Would be epic.
  20. AdenSword

    AdenSword Pangalactic Porcupine

    now where did you hear that i heard just the opposite at 0:38 he tells you

    (btw watch the whole vid its awesome)
    Bars likes this.
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