4th June - Fröggs in Fezzes

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Jun 4, 2015.

  1. FatReuniclus

    FatReuniclus Subatomic Cosmonaut

    It's all a matter of opinion, I suppose. There should be somebody who gives critical feedback, the rest of us are too busy enjoying Starbound...
    Morzan, DragonsForce and Akhuan like this.
  2. Akhuan

    Akhuan Orbital Explorer

    All creators do not have the same aesthetic/narrative priorities. All creations do not need to address influence (i.e.: the totality of previous conventions) in the same way. Starbound does not have to be referential or even sophisticated. "Sophistication" is not a universal criterion; it is, in fact, mostly a buzzword. What is sophistication? Is it the condition of semantically multi-layered compositions? If so, then it is possibly not the best standard by which to evaluate video games: the only reason anyone would want to play a video-game equivalent of Joyce's Ulysses, after all, is morbid curiosity.

    Originality is perhaps a better criterion, but even then: what is original? It seems to me creating good content should be about more than just balancing influence and innovation. There is another, more important variable, and that is authentic communication.

    Consider Dogcopter's advice to Steven Universe: "A piece of art is a conversation. Every choice you make, is a statement. Don't worry about labels, or conforming to a standard. Just be true to yourself, and people will appreciate your honesty."

    TL;DR: I am super stoked about Fröggs in Fezzes!
    Morzan, Tamorr and DragonsForce like this.
  3. CyberSpork

    CyberSpork Void-Bound Voyager

    I support this. Awesome shop!
  4. AmazonValkyrie

    AmazonValkyrie Spaceman Spiff

    I'm absolutely LOVING your strides with work on NPCs! My only *major* suggestion is that you all find a way to have gender selection, and possibly other specifics for modders making NPCs. In my own experience to get all one gender I've had to go through a lot of work to achieve it only via appearance with armors, and it would be so incredible if you all could make such details selectable for modders. As it is, in achieving this (and skin color) via armors, the faces on NPCs no longer emote, which takes that authenticity away. Just a suggestion ^_^ As always, Love your work! Starbound is really becoming well rounded!
    tomatelopes and Varixai like this.
  5. wiillo

    wiillo Void-Bound Voyager

    ii don't need a frog for my furniiture, hell just giive me a piixel priinter and a shiippiing contaiiner

    ii'll prove that iit iis not easy beiing green
  6. Arcstar99

    Arcstar99 Orbital Explorer

    Will we see more frog people? Like as another Non-Playable race such as the penguins, Agarans, and Ancients?
  7. Akogishi

    Akogishi Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I guess they haven't seen the gnome gun that shoots rainbows yet..

  8. mitzSBnovakid

    mitzSBnovakid Title Not Found

    frog + fez x furniture = worth the long wait for update

    Brilliance has struck me!
    how about if you go to the correct vendor for certain objects (like furniture store for selling furniture) you will get extra cash because the NPC wants it more! and another fine, FINE detail: if you buy stuff a lot (like food bowls) the price will go up since it's in demand! and another thing: a menu should show up if a NPC has something else to say, not just one thing! for instance, the owner of terramart, you can speak to him/her, buy, or even do a quest!! anyone agree this idea is awesome??
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2015
    intrepid-explorer likes this.
  9. dropdead

    dropdead Big Damn Hero

    Hilarious conversation, kinda reminds me of the all the serious conversations in Oblivion. Skyrim even had this one liner not only every damn guard all over Skyrim knew but they all just couldn't shut up about if a guileless player happened to get caught walking by ("I used to be an adventurer like you, but then I took an arrow to the knee"). Good times.

    Maybe the NPCs will even get a bit more of a daily routine and not just crawl in bed at night and walk around in daylight pretty much aimlessly.

    And please guys, I beg you: MAKE THEM SHUT THE DAMN DOORS!
    tomatelopes, Akhuan, Jonesy and 2 others like this.
  10. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    Workstate is a thing. It was a thing in the old system, and it's there in the new. Makes 'em go out with a hoe and do some gardening. I'm just not entirely sure if workstate still works.

    And I agree on the doors.
    tomatelopes, Tamorr and dropdead like this.
  11. Spritley Jack

    Spritley Jack Big Damn Hero

    That would be cool! Maybe the Terra mart could send you on a mission to get more supplies or to grow a certain amount of fruits, or anything else? It would be very cool to do some quests like that.
    mitzSBnovakid likes this.
  12. presidenthobbes

    presidenthobbes Void-Bound Voyager

    Well then that's probably the problem. I look at a game like Starbound and feel that there should be a lot of depth to characters and landscape, and a lot of stuff going on in the lore that you only know if you pay attention. When I see a character in a game who looks unique, I ask myself, "what's his story?" I feel like special NPCs should be special beyond just their appearance.
    Perhaps I'm looking for a bit too much spiritual depth in Starbound, but really, any game can use spiritual depth.

    Also thanks for responding to my feedback, it's not every day I get to talk with game devs. :)[DOUBLEPOST=1433548525][/DOUBLEPOST]
    that reminds me yeah, the tiny gnome people need some explanation and lore too.
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2015
    tomatelopes likes this.
  13. RizzRustbolt

    RizzRustbolt Existential Complex

    Is his first name "Finnaeus"?
    Jonesy likes this.
  14. codwawguy66

    codwawguy66 Phantasmal Quasar

    Now I officially can't wait for this update! IT LOOKS SO GOOD! :love::DD:chucklefish:
  15. RainDreamer

    RainDreamer Existential Complex

    Will you sourced out conversation script to the community? Because I am sure that we can come up with some pretty good ones.
  16. Jarod

    Jarod Cosmic Narwhal

    anyone else think it is awesome that the sign is a couch?
  17. dropdead

    dropdead Big Damn Hero

    And what a glorious weapon it is! I've always wished to be able to barf rainbows over some persons I had the unfortunate opportunity of knowing. :love:
  18. Warpeddemetrius

    Warpeddemetrius Master Chief

    Sweet sauce! Now I can eavesdrop on my renters with ease! :p
  19. Varixai

    Varixai Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Since there wasn't a news post on Friday and the first 2 items are related to this blog, I'll post another small "updates summary" here. (with stuff that hit the nightly Thursday night and Friday night) :DD
    • The frog furniture store from this blog is now in the Nightly and can be spawned with "/spawnitem frogfurnishing". Here's its wiki page with current selling list.
    • To go along with the new store, the old frog merchant "Ribbit" has been changed to the new guy.
    • There is a new charge up animation for many monster attacks.. it's a sort of red sparkles. They applied this to 40 different monster attacks.
    • They continue to add more special skills for monsters to use, and are applying them to monsters as they go (large bipeds got a lot of new attacks on Friday)
    • They did a MASSIVE economy pass, giving a price to almost 1,300 items including armors, weapons, and tools. These prices are likely for selling.
    • Many more armor and weapon recipes got the "half off" crafting cost slash. They have been bringing all of the game's economy in line (at lower digits). About a month ago the pixel loot from monsters and chests was also cut in half. (Basically, don't panic, the numbers are just smaller.)
    • Make sure you check out Healthire's post that further explains what he is doing with the NPC to NPC interactions. That system is going to be amazing.. true communities of NPCs. Now think of that combined with colonies. Yea, awesome.
    • I asked tccoxon on IRC whether we will be able to see the object tags used by the colony system on the ingame tooltips, here was his reply:
    (I had mentioned that we are working to display the tags on the wiki.) (Which we still plan to do, for people like me who love to see the data behind the magic.)

    Edit: "Ancient Prop" on the left and Caretaker armor set on the right:

    [​IMG] . . [​IMG]
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2015
  20. Sir Slush

    Sir Slush Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Been awhile since I've been online, but I needed to say that the new updates are looking fantastic and I really appreciate getting to hear about them as they're being developed. Plus, I'm super-excited for the new colonist system and NPC interactions! Already better than I'd ever hoped for.

    On that note, I feel like my twenty-dollar pre-order didn't pay these devs enough. Whenever I read these updates, everything just keeps getting better and better.

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