4th June - Fröggs in Fezzes

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Jun 4, 2015.

  1. Royal_Starlord

    Royal_Starlord Big Damn Hero

    I dunno. I think that that NPC chat might need to be slowed down. I'm kind of a slow reader. :p
    intrepid-explorer and LuckyMax5 like this.
  2. Sir Orrin

    Sir Orrin Tentacle Wrangler

    It will be nice to buy furnishings from my late Homeworld.
  3. Phantaeon

    Phantaeon Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Yes, I am real person not bot. Do you also like skateboards?
  4. 2030

    2030 Void-Bound Voyager

    Looks great! Im gonna love seeing npcs talking to each other. Makes the game feel more alive!
    willpill35 and shannyxvx like this.
  5. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    I got that reference

  6. Frog Merchant? Is he going to occupy the Outpost too? It's getting kinda crowded on that little rock.
    LuckyMax5 and shannyxvx like this.
  7. 1nfinitezer0

    1nfinitezer0 Cosmic Narwhal

    Looks so cool, I just want to put him on a stack of tables, barrels and banners. Perhaps the outpost will open up gradually?

    The chat stuff looks super exciting. I dunno if anyone here has ever played with ALICE or Cleverbot, but case-based reasoning systems are quite powerful and can simulate a lot of dialog, especially when you have control over the trees. There was a service from Pandorabots before their new site where you could customize your own responses and build context rules. They often get stuck in loops of being annoyingly redundant, but it's exciting to think some rudimentary language AI could make it in, at least on a conceptual level.

    I can't find my backup of all the xml material, but if I ever do I'll post it.
  8. Speed Lightning

    Speed Lightning Phantasmal Quasar

    These look really nice so far. What types of furniture do you plan to have the shopkeeper sell?

    (On a side note, I believe that such a reaction is entirely normal.)
  9. Hatsya Souji

    Hatsya Souji Parsec Taste Tester

    This game's getting interesting as it gets!
  10. Dust

    Dust Giant Laser Beams

    Could get annoying pretty quickly. I hope they don't overdo it. putting a counter in that tracks when a player last saw an npc conversation and making any npc less likely to start up a chat within say 1 minute(seems reasonable) of the last npc conversation that the player heard might be one way to go about it.
  11. GenoMech

    GenoMech Cosmic Narwhal

    A bigger outpost would be kind of nice, maybe take up some of that rock thats underneath and make some underground areas
  12. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    Oh, no. This isn't going to turn into Oblivion, will it?
    sime, Harakhti, Morzan and 4 others like this.
  13. The-Wolfster

    The-Wolfster Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    This "behavior tree" is very curious. Will different races and personalities (stances) have different interactions with each other?

    How I see it (and apologies if my maths is terrible, it's been a while):
    Each playable race has a different conversation with every other playable race NPCs, including NPCs of the same race. (7*7=49 conversations so far)
    Let's say the six personality stances have different things to say as well. Normal, Proud, Discontent, Surprised, Relaxed, and Steady all have something different on their minds. (49*6=294 conversations already!)
    Of course the NPC they're talking to also has a personality of their own, so that's another six factors to take into account. (294*6=1764! so many)
    And for the sake of variation, if we gave these combinations... 3 different conversations each, e.g. a good talk, an idle chat, and an angry argument.... (1764*3=5292 unique conversations. That's a lot to talk about.)
    And for the cherry on top, if we give each conversation about 8 lines of text, we'd get 42336 individual lines of text from these NPCs.

    I really wonder if I'm right about these "behavior trees", or if I remember my maths correctly or not. Either way, I imagine there's still a lot of writing to do. Good luck Healthire, and all who partake in this new system.
    Bughunter and benignInferno like this.
  14. Spritley Jack

    Spritley Jack Big Damn Hero

    "Hi, I'm an NPC!" The greatest of conversation starters!
  15. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    @The-Wolfster: it's actually a kind of scripting language implemented in Lua, based on a tree of JSON nodes, which can do basically anything the old system could, but can be programmed from a special utility and might be likened to the node-based scripting languages in recent 3D game engines. The new spider boss and Nuru use it, and I myself have hand-made a behavior that just lets characters turn to face the player.

    So it's not so much a dialogue tree as it is quite a bit more.
    1nfinitezer0 likes this.
  16. DukeOfRiven

    DukeOfRiven Giant Laser Beams

    As someone who is playing through Arkham City for the first time, I concur NPCs who can't shut up, and especially NPCs who can't shut up and keep repeating themselves, are a blot upon all mankind.
  17. PabloElPuas

    PabloElPuas Pangalactic Porcupine

    I love this amazing new store with Mr. frog shopkeeper for this new furniture store that many were expecting.
    These weapons added with lanterns hope to be implemented in one not too distant future and tell you great job :)
  18. GorunNova

    GorunNova Pangalactic Porcupine

    I can see it now... "I used to be a spacefarer like you, but then I got a tentacle in the knee. Also, I saw an Agarian the other day... horrible creatures."
  19. GameKnight

    GameKnight Poptop Tamer

    I should have reported abuse against kermit
    jonathonspy likes this.
  20. Viinkaran

    Viinkaran Title Not Found

    fezzes are cool...

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