4th August Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by kyren, Aug 5, 2013.

  1. Svarr Chanston

    Svarr Chanston Cosmic Narwhal

    Hm.. maybe consider making starbound work on the 3ds? I think it would be perfect.. after all we need to go outside our houses SOMETIME.
  2. marchello35

    marchello35 Big Damn Hero

    If that happens it would be a big hit on the 3ds gaming industry
    Svarr Chanston and tassina like this.
  3. Iroza

    Iroza Phantasmal Quasar

    Such beautiful pixels...
  4. QuerulousDemi

    QuerulousDemi Poptop Tamer

    Really love how the game is coming together, those screenshots are fantastic!
    Keep up the awesome work!
    tassina and Core like this.
  5. Silvestre

    Silvestre Pangalactic Porcupine

    Some may call that post quick, me, I call it quite detailed.

    That's a very immersive addition, I can't wait to find a flashlight and explore into the night!
    :poptop: :chrono:
    Svarr Chanston, tassina and Core like this.
  6. Arignir

    Arignir Space Hobo

    This game sounds really cool ^^ So impatient to have the beta !
    Svarr Chanston likes this.
  7. Ronoroa Zoro

    Ronoroa Zoro Astral Cartographer

    I wish that becomes true ;_;
    Svarr Chanston, samufel and 1John5vs7 like this.
  8. 1John5vs7

    1John5vs7 Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    If I'm popping up to the surface every 5 minutes to grab more torches or having to farm constantly for potions, the game becomes more about grinding for potions than about exploring and finding new stuff. That's why.

    Pfft, yea yea. I wish, but no. Chucklefish said they'd give a heads up at least a few days before the beta drop so that people who paid to play beta don't end up losing beta time because they didn't get the warning in time. It would hardly be fair to miss, say, a week of a 3 month beta because you got busy with real life stuff and didn't sign in to check the website every day. So these rumors are silly: there will be an announcement prior to beta being released.
    Haslet likes this.
  9. Jayson

    Jayson Big Damn Hero

    that lighting looks wonderful. I can't wait for all of this to come together and pimp slap me into sweet, sweet oblivion at release.
  10. blackmib

    blackmib Aquatic Astronaut

    gee golly batman the screenshots
  11. nolan1024

    nolan1024 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    a rock is equiped in the left hand of the person in the first screenshot can you throw rocks?!?!:rock:
  12. zxin

    zxin Orbital Explorer

    Cool, But I'm Still Pissed Off That The Game Is THIS Good And It's Still Not Ready To Be Played By Everyone Who Pre-Ordered It :catface:
    darklink7879 likes this.
  13. Mikerlantz

    Mikerlantz Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I think nighttime should be a bit darker, make us actually USE those Lights!!! if I can use moonlight to see just fine then i'll probably forget to use a lamp! Also, how am I supposed to sneak up on people and leap in from the darkness!? Looks awesome though! GJ guys keep go go goin!
    DaviDeil and tassina like this.
  14. blob

    blob Orbital Explorer

    Pretty amazing!
  15. CyanideGD

    CyanideGD Yeah, You!

    Хачу старбаунд, давайте быстрее чуваки, йа уже не можу ждать. А так, ващще всо круто, так держать вы ващще агонь.
  16. Anatha

    Anatha Void-Bound Voyager

    You didn't watch the livestreams Tiy did in the past? Nighttime is often pitch black, especially during inclement weather, the likely reason it isn't pitch black here is because you have a gas giant in the background, reflecting light like our moon would, that along with next to no cloud cover.... well just go outside on just such a night and you'll see it's not at all pitch black.
    tassina likes this.
  17. Deldrith

    Deldrith Astral Cartographer

    Please do not listen to this man.
    Kota and Anhita like this.
  18. mastercheese332

    mastercheese332 Astral Cartographer

    A better B-day present would be an announcement to when the game comes out, or actually getting the game
  19. Rutger

    Rutger Aquatic Astronaut

    Pretty cool Sreen Shots. Keep up the good work guys! :)
    QuerulousDemi, tassina and Diagnosan like this.
  20. Ragnaman

    Ragnaman Space Spelunker

    Holy ballz, the nights are so dark, Epic !

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