I was disappointed when I found that there weren't many Protectorate emblems floating around the web, so I made one myself. All you need is a 3d printer/3d printing service, a computer with a slicer installed, and some filament. The size of the part itself is a little off, so I usually scale it up to 4x its original size, which is a pretty good size for a keychain if you ask me. The two-color look is achieved by switching the filament when it gets to approx. 52% (50% might leave a thin layer of gold on the black background, which kind of ruins the contrast between the gold and black). The filament I used was Esun PLA Pro Black and Hatchbox "True Gold" PLA on my Wanhao Duplicator i3 with 20% infill. Hope you enjoy! Here is a link for my design on Thingiverse.com
It's things like this that make me want to get a 3D printer. If you're still active on the forums I'd love to see any other creative endeavours with the printer.
Protectorate emblems floating are rarely available but still, there are few companies that provide. I got the information about it from this website.