2nd July Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Jul 3, 2013.

  1. Caep

    Caep Void-Bound Voyager

  2. Borristheviking

    Borristheviking Aquatic Astronaut

    You are working superhard on this game! you deserve a medal! ...And jelly beans...OR a medal made out of jelly beans?! The best kind of medal! ;)
  3. Baku Vicen

    Baku Vicen Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Holy star cow! I really find that color hard to read, Frodew
  4. Benjabby

    Benjabby Title Not Found

    are the monster part sprites final? Because the tail looks like it has a lot more shading than the rest of the body parts and I like it because monsters always seemed to have no shading to me
  5. steave?

    steave? Starship Captain

    They do not need or deserve any of thoughs things. What they do need to do is get out the game that they said would be done almost a year ago. They need start being more honest in when this game is coming out. These daily updates about what there doing are fantastic but lets face fact it these updates are words on a screen with a game play video every 1 or 2 weeks of a game that looks beta worthy. A good start to being more honest with fans would be a beta release date.
    Games4Playing likes this.
  6. MithranArkanere

    MithranArkanere Space Kumquat

    Major step, eh? I like Major Steps.

    Coronel Stride is cool too.
  7. Sabreur

    Sabreur Pangalactic Porcupine

    The random monster system is looking really, really impressive. I'm going to feel guilty blowing them up.

    Okay, no I won't. But I'll at least appreciate all the work put into making them before breaking out the rocket launcher.
    Frodew likes this.
  8. Jarod

    Jarod Cosmic Narwhal

    here is how it works
    they probably have something that recognizes what pieces are put together to make the monster (and for colors)
    probably numbers
    and the evolved monster comes from a different set of pieces where the number correspond
    so yes random gen monsters evolve
    on a sidenote "gotta catch em' all"
  9. PancakeIV

    PancakeIV Void-Bound Voyager

    Mining started with Infiniminer, actually.
    PurpleSquirel43 likes this.
  10. Hugt

    Hugt Phantasmal Quasar

    Evolved virorbs perhaps?! Even tho they aren't random?
    This just adds to the crazy amount of monsters there will be!!
    With each update... this game just gets better and better.
  11. wow_gerald

    wow_gerald Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Love the idea of creature evolution. Gives more depth to the game and more to look out for. Can't wait and thanks for putting this into Starbound. Very much appreciated.
  12. Friendorpho

    Friendorpho Void-Bound Voyager

    Excellent update! Creature evolution sounds nifty. I can't wait until players start organizing their own pokemon leagues using in-game creatures.
  13. Ahbahl

    Ahbahl Title Not Found

    Started with Infiniminer, got famous with Minecraft.
  14. Godzilla03

    Godzilla03 Industrial Terraformer

    im pretty sure its only one evolution per monster like you would see in pokemon. Even if its a good idea, all the work to implement that would be pretty insane. Also, you would really get crowded. Every planet would be overpopulated with smarts NPC. Anyway :)
  15. Dictionary

    Dictionary Void-Bound Voyager

    That's one small step for man...One giant plushie for mankind.
  16. Silican Beat

    Silican Beat Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Not sure if it's been said before but it looks to me as though there'll be particular monster sets as well as procedurally generated ones.
    Frodew likes this.
  17. Baku Vicen

    Baku Vicen Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Patience is the mother of science. And this is a game about science-fiction. Maybe we should have patience-fiction o_O
    UlfrAndi and 1John5vs7 like this.
  18. Marksman46

    Marksman46 Master Chief

    For a second, I was like "why did I pay for a game that isn't out yet?" and after this post I remembered.

    <3's for the devs.
    1John5vs7 likes this.
  19. 1John5vs7

    1John5vs7 Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Endless wonder, my friend.
  20. Frodew

    Frodew Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    That's an awesome idea but i doubt that they would be advanced enough to build settlements and talk to the players.

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