22nd May - Pod chests!

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, May 22, 2015.

  1. Gindew

    Gindew Phantasmal Quasar

    I think the Matter Manipulator Upgrades should be both found in chests and in the Ship Interface, becuase this will allow Players to be able to live both ways if they wanna Explore then they can find them but if they wanna mine instead they can earn them through the Ores like they currently are.
    MysticMalevolence likes this.
  2. firekirby135

    firekirby135 Big Damn Hero

    I think it's more to make getting the upgrades less of a grind and more of a passive thing you'd get while exploring. Which, you know, is great and all for those that like exploring. But yeah, I do hope that they wind up making ways for people who want to progress other ways to get the upgrades as well. (maybe not collect x amount of a specific ore, as upgrading a piece of technology in that way doesn't exactly make sense, but selling the upgrades for a reasonable, possibly even more expensive price than what they're worth could be a very easy solution to that issue, what with the Merchant GUI being added and all)
    MysticMalevolence, Gindew and Alsanu like this.
  3. Cube The Zombie

    Cube The Zombie Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Ah, some fresh ideas, nice ones this time.
    Ofcourse its more logical to use some artificial module units, than just ore or diamonds for upgrading Matter Manipulator.
    I cannot say i really understand about tech chips if do we have tech cards already... but it sounds interesting.
    Also i am up for backpack lanterns and upgrades of them.
    Don't get it wrong, lantern stick is nice, and pretty useful at beginning. But after long time of ingame progress it's not looking so fit to... "Space, y’know?"
    Also after changes in lighting system, lantern stick have really dull shining.
    I don't know what to think about Autochip and Autodrive, but i think it's time to set own, regular, legit place for vehicles in game.
  4. WillSaurus

    WillSaurus Star Wrangler

    Oh my gosh they looks so cool. :rofl:
  5. Alsanu

    Alsanu Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'm happy about the change in chest style. (I wonder how often the new chest type will be used, and how often the wooden one will be used.)

    However, I have a concern about finding those upgrade modules: I have a hard time finding tech chests already and I have explored quite a few planets... So either I don't understand it well, or is my search strategy is wrong. (Or are they ramping up the frequency?)
    Why did I imagine that Jack Nicholson said that in the 'the Shining'-style?

    EDIT: fixed my post. No more matter mayonnaise.
    Last edited: May 24, 2015
  6. Crims

    Crims Yeah, You!

    I like this idea of finding upgrades while exploring. I think it would also be neat if you could find upgrades for ship pets, and then maybe the ship pets could do something more then just sleep and eat. It didn't take long for me to get bored with them. It would be great if your pet was more involved in the game, whether it just followed you everywhere, or even helped you fight, while having it's own inventory or being able to level up as it fought (so that your pet could be useful on higher level planets.) Combat would need to be rebalanced, but that can be as simple as adjusting the health of enemies. Thoughts anyone?
  7. firekirby135

    firekirby135 Big Damn Hero

    There are already pets that can help you in combat. Get the Creature Capture Station and nab some Capture Pods. Then hit an enemy with less than 50% health or any passive enemy with it, and bam, you got yerself a combat companion. ;)
    I do agree though, it would be nice to have a pet that did something rather than sit and look pretty in your ship. Even if you were simply able to beam it into a house you built in place of an NPC, that would be sweet. I would love to see my little bunny hopping around the fields while I was farming. =3
    intrepid-explorer and The MechE like this.
  8. GoldHypercurve

    GoldHypercurve Void-Bound Voyager

    I'm excited to see how much the game has changed through development and I love how you didn't just spurt out small little updates and then call it a full release. Can't wait to see these new chests in game!!!
  9. Dragon_Tom005

    Dragon_Tom005 Existential Complex

    Yeaaah. Thoes chests could use some more work. they look a bit.. too flashy. especially since they're not going to be very... useful... I mean, it looks cool and all. But to be honest, it's just re-textured old chest. :/
  10. firekirby135

    firekirby135 Big Damn Hero

    The point isn't for them to be more useful, it's for them to appear more fitting given their contents. It's an aesthetic change. Nothing more.
  11. RainDreamer

    RainDreamer Existential Complex

    Well, it still doesn't answer the question: Who put those things there?
  12. Imanov

    Imanov Void-Bound Voyager

    Спасибо вам за ваши труды и старания, ваша игра была первой, которая действительно поразила меня своей глубиной и разнообразием. Translate)

    Thank you for your work and efforts, your game was the first that really impressed me with its depth and diversity. Translate)
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2015
  13. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    Please use at least Google Translate for your post, @Imanov.
  14. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    Hello there! We require all posts to be in English, or provide a translation.

    Привет! Мы требуем от всех должностей, на английском языке, или обеспечить перевод.
    Dunto and Mackinz like this.
  15. Dragon_Tom005

    Dragon_Tom005 Existential Complex

    oh okay. in that case it pretty much is like i said. a lil- it can use a bit of work... :confused:
  16. HellArcher

    HellArcher Void-Bound Voyager

    Those things have the same origin as other pod stuff (status and capsules). I have two theories:
    1) They all were created by a powerful race and dropped on all planets.
    2) They were teleported (becouse they also appear underground)
  17. edx

    edx Void-Bound Voyager

    BTW now that we're talking about vehicles, do not forget about the seat for pets, i want my little purple alien at my side :laugh:, or the pinfriend showing their tongue while we're traveling through the planet :lickitung:.

    Thanks :DD
    Varixai likes this.
  18. jonathonspy

    jonathonspy Existential Complex

    do the new wings flap more than once in the air? i.e with pulse jump and the upgraded one, it flaps every time you jump, but with the boosts it flaps continuously?
  19. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    Don't get ahead of yourself now.
  20. intrepid-explorer

    intrepid-explorer Phantasmal Quasar

    Apex: An apex child of eight could build this device. Since I am out among the stars with limited resources, I am glad that one did.
    Avian: Abandoned high-tech chests and tech gear not built by Avians provide more proof that Kluex is not real!
    Floran: Tech partssss not tasssssty, but can help me get ssssomething that issss.
    Glitch: Confused. Are we not greater than the sum of our parts?
    Human: This may be the detritus of another civilization destroyed by the tentacle entity.
    Hylotl: New stuff, what fun!
    Novakid: With these parts, I can rule the galaxy...wait, what was I saying?
    Gungan: Meesa likes this!

    Sorry about that last one, wrong game. :p Seriously, it should be about why the chest is there. Wooden chests fit either glitch architecture or were built by another (perhaps failed)explorer who lacked access to high tech materials. But either way, there should be a reason for it to be there, even if the reason is not obvious without further exploration.
    Adivia likes this.

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