22nd May - Pod chests!

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, May 22, 2015.

  1. GameGuru

    GameGuru Void-Bound Voyager

    I am not sure how I feel about the new chest designs and the matter manipulator upgrades being in the chests, but otherwise I am quite excited!
  2. Corraidhín

    Corraidhín Supernova

    now THIS is what I call an update, sweet changes all round!
    and of course...

  3. Speed Lightning

    Speed Lightning Phantasmal Quasar

    These look nice so far. However, I have severe objections to the entire replacement of wooden chests. While the replacement chests fit with the general theme of the game, removing the old chests entirely also removes a storage choice that may fit with themes of its own; for example, old chests can logically be found in forests with hiker equipment, or at the bottom of the oceans. Instead of removing old chests entirely, I recommend that they still be found in underground microdungeons such as the set of abandoned mineshaft structures. In addition, and more importantly, the old chests should still be found at the bottom of the water on ocean planets. This allows wooden chests to remain usable while allowing pod chests to exist as well. In general, I object strongly to any removals of the assets of storage items, furniture, and other building materials because each item does have some type of fitting theme.

    However, the changes to the matter manipulator progression are very interesting. I recommend that these modules be used in conjunction with a modification of the current requirements to avoid "early late-game progression", if you will. Also, I noticed that you said that the upgrade components for backpack lanterns may also be used for armor. Have you considered creating armor types that can be used for non-combat purposes as well? For example, instead of receiving higher health or energy, the user's mining speed, speed, jumping power, poison resistance, magma resistance, and harvesting abilities could be increased.

    I also have two questions.
    1) What vehicles do you plan to include in the game?
    2) How would the vehicles be used? Would tech slots, armor slots, or items be used?

    This idea might also be considered for the matter manipulator requirements. It sounds very interesting.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2018
  4. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time


  5. Gratuitous Lurking

    Gratuitous Lurking Space Kumquat

    Only thing I fear is it'll make important upgrades potentially a lot more determining on RNG moreso than just 'have you been on THIS type of planet? Too bad if you haven't because I need X item only available on Y planet!'. Though hopefully this means that these 'parts of tech' will be more common than the current Tech Cards are and meaning you'd get Tech Cards (or similar equivalent upgrade items) a lot more common.
  6. Speed Lightning

    Speed Lightning Phantasmal Quasar

    I apologize. I have a horrific tendency to focus primarily on the first and last posts. Thank you for quoting those, however. Perhaps the original post should be updated to include that?
    Mackinz and Axe Garian like this.
  7. Axe Garian

    Axe Garian Oxygen Tank

    I'd LOVE Mining Mechs to get introduced, maybe with a HUGE Inventory to go with them! I'd be VERY capable of driving a Mining Mech & systematically Mining Up the ENTIRE Planet with one! :mwahaha:

    Ahh, I didn't even know about that. Why would one even NEED a function for reversing what's in the L & R Slots when ya already access them by left click & right click? What would one DO with the Slots that would make one suddenly need to switch what button activates what instead of simply pressing the mouse button associated with it? (AKA if ya have something on the Left Slot to left Click to activate, why would left clicking not be good enough & make one need to be able to reverse it to the R Slot to Right Click it instead? What's even the point of doing that?) :confused:
  8. Damuranashi

    Damuranashi Existential Complex

    Oh my! What a cool looking chest! Just what I always wanted, my own cool looking chest. I will open it and loot it and take it.
  9. Gavran

    Gavran Space Hobo

    You misunderstand. You can scroll through the items in your hot bar with the wheel. If you select a one handed item, you can then hold shift to scroll through bar, this time choosing the item in your off-hand.
    Axe Garian likes this.
  10. firekirby135

    firekirby135 Big Damn Hero

    Indeed. It's useful if you have a shield primarily in your Off-hand slot, but you want to use a flashlight or bandage without getting rid of your Main-hand weapon. Holding shift while pressing 0-9 also works in this way. =3[DOUBLEPOST=1432352660][/DOUBLEPOST]
    It should also be noted that the function you're thinking of, that is, the "Switch Main-hand and Off-hand slots" button, can actually be quite useful. In combat, it could allow you to have two 2H weapons and switch between them with the press of a button without having to worry about the Number Keys. It's also useful for building, as if you're primarily using two different materials, you can switch between the two easily. There's quite a few uses, and probably even more than I know of. ;)
    Last edited: May 23, 2015
    Axe Garian likes this.
  11. M_Sipher

    M_Sipher Oxygen Tank

    I have no problem with these new white techy chests whatsoever, given every planetoid is already littered with white techy pods that drop pixels and stuff.
    firekirby135 likes this.
  12. Lagoz

    Lagoz Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    cool ;x
  13. kjhdocter

    kjhdocter Void-Bound Voyager

    lol! Now chests look like more familiar now!
    P.s. I really want to plant all kind of bushes and grass!!!!!!!!!!!!
    firekirby135 likes this.
  14. TheNinjaM

    TheNinjaM Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'm okay with the chest changes as long as the old wooden chest will not be removed but be placed/remain in places it makes sense for it to be. i.e. old ruins or similar places. The only reason I'm asking for this is that I like the wooden chest but I agree that regular loot like surface chests should be more "spacey/futuristic" as well as simply liking the wooden chests. If anything they should be made into tier 1 craftable containers and the wooden crates should have more storage space than the wooden chests. :DD
    firekirby135 and Axe Garian like this.
  15. Axe Garian

    Axe Garian Oxygen Tank

    Ahh, I never knew about any of this. Many thanks for the info. :)

    Though I don't think I could ever get the hang of all that...

    Hmm... is Ctrl + Mouse Wheel in use?
  16. firekirby135

    firekirby135 Big Damn Hero

    Nope, at least, not that I know. of. I was thinking the exact same thing. :rofl:
  17. edx

    edx Void-Bound Voyager

    So amazing, finally they are here (vehicles), did i heard bad? or somebody said something about racial :lod:, indeed i thought somebody else said mech, hoverbikes, choppers, bikes, cars, jeeps, tanks, air, earth and aquatic dron, raspberry :V
  18. SpaceMaki

    SpaceMaki Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Those many new things, but will I be able to keep old character, or I will have to start a new one :s? I really don't want to start over and over :p
    I would like to hear a reply :3 Thanks !
  19. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    You won't have to start over, SpaceMaki, but it is recommended to get the most out of the new features added in an update.
    Kayuko likes this.
  20. klamm

    klamm Space Hobo

    Nice job :D

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