22nd May - Pod chests!

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, May 22, 2015.

  1. Varixai

    Varixai Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    At least 2 more weeks until Unstable, and at least 3 weeks until Stable.
    May 13 1:37:11 <GXyon> Do we have an ETA when the next Stable patch is going to be?
    May 13 1:37:38 <metadept> 1-3 months probably
    May 13 1:37:47 <metadept> not soon

    It depends on how much they want to cram into that update and how many issues they run into on the way. For example, the combat overhaul is the main focus of the update, but they are also working on colonies, selling, challenge rooms, and the Avian mission. (Also finishing the Floran mission with Nuru and Ixodoom, but that's nearly done)

    If you want to watch their progress more closely you can follow the nightly patch notes on the wiki and Kawa's direct nightly change log. (Plus I usually post updates on blogs like these, and quiqksilver also details cool upcoming features.)

    Last edited: May 22, 2015
    QShadow and Darklight like this.
  2. firekirby135

    firekirby135 Big Damn Hero

    I disagree. I think that the swap would make a bit more sense in the long run. However, I agree with what you're saying. They have to be plentiful enough that you aren't extremely hard-pressed to find them, but sparse enough that you can't fully upgrade your MM within a single solar system. And on top of that, as I said earlier, they need to account for those who, in the future, will not want to progress through exploration, most likely meaning they'll have to wind up selling the parts somewhere at a price which seems fair considering how rare they become. There are other solutions, of course, but this one gives access to every other path of progression at a time. Farming, Building, Fighting, Mining... all of these will provide pixels soon, allowing progression through those paths. All Chucklefish needs to do is make sure the pixels they'll be earning isn't completely pointless once they implement the merchant GUI. I highly doubt they'd be that short-sighted, so I suspect they'll have something up their sleeves. Still, there is the possibility of these other methods of progression not being implemented before the Merchant GUI, which may still require exploration for progression in the long run.
  3. Titanium

    Titanium Existential Complex

    Will we still have wooden chests on, say, ocean planets?
  4. firekirby135

    firekirby135 Big Damn Hero

    Most likely. Far as I understand it, they're making the chests fit more along the lines of their contents. I doubt Biome Chests will be changed at all.
    Axe Garian likes this.
  5. glasspug

    glasspug Phantasmal Quasar

    :chucklefish:I still want to know if these pod chests can be found in a glitch farming village, because if so that makes no sense,but hey it's starbound.:chucklefish:
  6. Uzkniso

    Uzkniso Big Damn Hero

    Exciting news!

    I like the way this game's development is progressing.
  7. Viinkaran

    Viinkaran Title Not Found

    i almost want to be placed in cryo storage just so i can come back in a couple years or so and see THIS AMAZING GAME!!!!!!
  8. ThePhail

    ThePhail Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I dont like how wooden chest have been replaced. Maybe have some planets have like a set race. And then have a set "time". So like, if the time is set to 0. Then that would mean that the advancement of the colonies on that planet was very bad. And then 1 would mean it would have aged a bit. And so on.
    Could also make the drops vary like that.
    tomatelopes likes this.
  9. Axe Garian

    Axe Garian Oxygen Tank

    Will these changes affect my game enough to make me have to Restart to test them properly?

    & though i'm planning to Main Building Path & second the other 2, I agree that it'll be fair for Farmers to have a option to progress too. Safe bet the Components will be purchasable for those who would rather farm then splat things or build heavily.
  10. Campaigner

    Campaigner Giant Laser Beams

    I'm not all that keen on the chests being redone. I mean, I understand the fact that it's odd that we find these nice antique chests everywhere, but that's part of the charm. It's totally not fitting with the sci-fi theme, but the wooden chests are a staple, you know?

    I love the new chests, don't get me wrong, but I don't want to see the old wooden ones disappear. I hope they stay in the wild or in villages or something. At least craftable, I hope.
  11. firekirby135

    firekirby135 Big Damn Hero

    Wooden Chests have not been replaced. Only High-tech chests and chests that contain weapons. All other chests, such as those found in Biomes and Race encounters, will stay the same.
    tomatelopes likes this.
  12. Artay001

    Artay001 Pangalactic Porcupine

    I can dig it. Nice job, you guys. :)
  13. Axe Garian

    Axe Garian Oxygen Tank

    Wooden Chests are not being removed, they're just gonna be placed only where their presence would actually make sense. ;)
    tomatelopes likes this.
  14. Griffito

    Griffito Space Hobo

    When are you guys going to make it possible to get wheat cause i lost mine. pls cause i'm stuck on the cake mission.
  15. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    Kinda wondering how often this'll need to be restated.
  16. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    Can these chests please, please only appear on or towards the surface of a planet? It does not make any sense whatsoever to find a chest randomly underground, when there is little to no signs that intelligent life has dug that deep.

    Another issue: Microdungeons. Please make them far less common the deeper one digs. Also, please change them to make them look dilapidated! D:
    Axe Garian likes this.
  17. firekirby135

    firekirby135 Big Damn Hero

    Same, though I'm done doing as much. It's amazing how many people don't check to see if their questions have already been asked, let alone answered. Just shows the general attention span of the internet, I suppose.
    dropdead, Anfalas and Axe Garian like this.
  18. Omega_Element

    Omega_Element Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Although in my personal preference it is not that great (I spent hours and traveled about 20 systems to find a Book on a Stand for the quest, having to get parts for upgrades is a nice adittion.
    Maybe with parts could be made a Customizer for the matter manipulator. Like decreasing Size, 4x4 is a bit much for the tunnels I create.

    Anyway, great work. ( ^_^)_b
  19. Axe Garian

    Axe Garian Oxygen Tank

    Have ya tried looking for Wheat on the surface of gentle planets, like 'Lush' & 'Forest' type Worlds? :)

    What do ya mean a bit much? 4x4 is awesome, it means ya can dig straight left or right & fit in the hole in only one digging.
    Auraknight likes this.
  20. DemonicLucario

    DemonicLucario Orbital Explorer

    I everything except for the matter manipulator parts. if I have to find these "parts" to upgrade my MM, then it becomes random and I don't feel as though I'm upgrading it, I feel like I'm LUCKY to get something good. with just metal and other components that are mineable, I feel like I'm in control of when I get upgrades, but the parts just take the joy out of it (IMHO, of course)
    samv and Axe Garian like this.

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