22nd May - Pod chests!

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, May 22, 2015.

  1. The Alonne

    The Alonne Ketchup Robot

    Awesome! Nice work.
    Axe Garian likes this.
  2. Zomb3Red

    Zomb3Red Void-Bound Voyager

    ETA for the next update?
  3. bbq1040

    bbq1040 Big Damn Hero

    :laugh: sounds good. Keep up the good work.
    Axe Garian likes this.
  4. Nibolas O Anelbozas

    Nibolas O Anelbozas Spaceman Spiff

    wait, does it mean there will be another wipe?! D=
    Axe Garian likes this.
  5. Varixai

    Varixai Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Pictures of the new wings! Imgur album here: http://imgur.com/a/pYAVi

    Avian God Wings 1
    Item Name: aviangodwings

    Same wings, flapping animation

    Same wings, flapping animation

    Falcon Guard Wings
    Item Name: falconwings

    Guard Wings
    Item Name: guardwings

    Bladed Wings
    Item Name: bladedwings.png

    Tribal Wings
    Item Name: tribalwings.png"

    Tribal Feathers
    Item Name: tribalfeathers.png

    Note: Colors are unknown. They spawned in green naturally for me, but most of them seem like they should be gold, since they spawn in this avian gold when I used the yellow color index.
    Last edited: May 24, 2015
  6. Greenfinger

    Greenfinger Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    ik, i just HATE the new tech system :cry:
    the old one was a million times better... :(
    tomatelopes likes this.
  7. Fishy116

    Fishy116 Void-Bound Voyager

    This looks amazing. I love all of the changes, but it'd be nice to know about when we could expect to see some of these things. The game feels a lot more complete now than it did before all of these changes. Also, I know there's a mod for this, but food should tell me what it does, there's so many its hard to try them all, so I'd like to know what they do. The mod for it doesn't include all the food, so I thought I'd just share an idea.

    Also the only thing I don't like is the cooldown of abilities like energy dash.
    Axe Garian and Hatsya Souji like this.
  8. Anfalas

    Anfalas Void-Bound Voyager

    Well, the new chests do look awesome. As someone said earlier, finding high-tech weapons in a wooden chest in the middle of the jungle was a bit odd. Starbound really is starting to take control of its themes and feel like a solid game now!

    I'm also really loving the idea of the new Matter Manipulator upgrades and Autochips. It felt strange for so long having to use seemingly random metals to upgrade your Matter Manipulator (why does my MM need copper bars to work faster?). Having dedicated upgrade items for it will feel so much more natural, but finding them in chests? I hope there'll be some way of ensuring you find them, else I can see some people having to search for a long time just to get their Manipulator working.
    As for Autochips... Vehicles, omg.

    Not so sure about having to gather upgrade components to turn your Lantern on a Stick into an magical electric lamp, however. Would make more sense to me if the advanced backpack lanterns had different crafting recipes, but that's okay. :)
  9. firekirby135

    firekirby135 Big Damn Hero

    This is an awesome change in theory, though I am concerned in the long run. Now, currently, since exploration and combat is the only way to progress through the game, having the upgrades found through exploring makes sense. However, as other progression paths are made available, I just hope that these upgrades, and much more stuff that isn't currently,(ores, crafting components, seeds, etc.) becomes available for purchase to those looking to progress through non-exploration paths in the future. Heck, I wonder if you guys are planing a way to have the player progress through the tiers without being forced to go on combat-heavy missions.
  10. Zazan

    Zazan Void-Bound Voyager

    I don't think the old chests should be replaced, just because the theme is space doesn't mean there isn't less advanced planets. I think the older chests should still appear on the more primitive planets. Is there any chance there will be more futuristic planets / biomes?, Because most of the planets seem pretty primitive to me.
    Last edited: May 22, 2015
  11. Silver200x

    Silver200x Subatomic Cosmonaut

    F**k yer!
    Greenfinger likes this.
  12. STCW262

    STCW262 Heliosphere

    I hope that the chest items will be also obtained from quests, and possibily sold, as chests arenĀ“t reliable.[DOUBLEPOST=1432318739][/DOUBLEPOST]
    They most likely will simply be moved to structures, such as Glitch ruins.
  13. Anfalas

    Anfalas Void-Bound Voyager

    Supernorn: 'You'll still be able to find the wooden chests in certain biomes, for those who were asking.'

    They're not being removed entirely - just replaced where they don't fit. :)
    Axe Garian likes this.
  14. Silver200x

    Silver200x Subatomic Cosmonaut

    quest scrolls in chests that wud be good rather then always npc or device trigger
    Babzilla and tomatelopes like this.
  15. Greymir

    Greymir Void-Bound Voyager

    Starbound looks better and better all the time.:DD
    Axe Garian likes this.
  16. Izach

    Izach Void-Bound Voyager

    Please tell me I wasnt the only one to read the titles as "Pod Casts!" when it first popped up in my feed.
  17. dropdead

    dropdead Big Damn Hero

    Funny how the chests never really bothered me - but the new ones fit quite a bit better. Only thing I've ever wondered with the old ones is the question, how an old dank wood chest could still have functioning things in it at all.

    Basically I like the idea to get updates for the MM from chests - as long as we'll find them at all!
    Somebody already mentioned how strange it was to upgrade the MM with some ordinary copper.

    I still love to run around planets and it's gotten SO much better with the better underground but it's still missing a bit in the corner of life and debris - last one could be breakable to find random items. The underground is still to tidy if you get my drift. I like the colors and the mini biomes (slime's great! Without making me sick) and lianaS and such but there's still something missing to really give it... personality, I'd say.

    But I don't mean to nag - this is meant to be contructive criticism, I have the hours in my Steam account to prove how much I DON'T hate the game. X3

    Yes, you were. :badpokerface:
    Axe Garian and Greenfinger like this.
  18. QShadow

    QShadow Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Is this in the nightlys?
  19. 2030

    2030 Void-Bound Voyager

    Really loving the updates recently a ton!!!! These things should also be able to be crafted, at great recource cost, or recieved through quests, (to encourage further questing, dungeon crawling, exploring, or mining depending on what type of tech you want to find :D)
  20. Joe Boshwag

    Joe Boshwag Space Hobo

    I like the Idea of the new chests and all, but I don't think that we need them. Staying with what we have now (Matter Manipulator upgrades by upgrading your ship and tech cards/drives from chests and quests and using them as we do now) will be simpler and make the game easier to play. Unless these chests are plentiful I don't think we should use them. Everything such as the autochips and upgrade components would be okay but I again don't think we need them or should see them in the game.

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