22nd February

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Feb 22, 2014.

  1. SaitaM

    SaitaM Subatomic Cosmonaut

    And do people actually think that it won't be tested and that the devs will including completely unbalanced or game disrupting / gameplay breaking additons?
  2. SaitaM

    SaitaM Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Well although that is a must have mod for me I don't know if that would actually be considered to include in the vanilla version since it is a crafting bench to put together other mod created items..
    Daimoth and FelipeChoque like this.
  3. joriandrake

    joriandrake Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Maybe some people who fear the addition of mods believe so, not sure. This is why it has to be pointed out it isn't as if they add stuff with shut eyes and thrown darts randomly.
  4. Your Buddy Bill

    Your Buddy Bill Existential Complex

    Mod-wise, I've got little or nothing. Dying buckets would be nice, but that simply implements a feature that you guys were planning on doing anyway. Liquid Extractor would be nice as a way to actually handle our liquids.
    Personally, I'd prefer if we don't go overboard on mod content.

    Anyways, I'm going to be getting an ACTUAL LEGITIMATE CHANGELOG for the additions as of 12:38 Central Time February 22 2014, meaning we can ACTUALLY FIND OUT what's going on.
  5. Silvy

    Silvy Void-Bound Voyager

    I don't think the dye bucket or customization ships should have to be voted for repeatedly. Like I'm almost 100% they've already said that starships will be modifiable and expandable in the future, and obviously some form of dyeing system has always been planned from the get go, otherwise the default dye bottles wouldn't say "Dye your armor!"
  6. thespookdanger

    thespookdanger Void-Bound Voyager

    Let me lay this out for you: any mods added to the base game are - obviously - going to be vetted by the design team and devs. You're essentially arguing that the developers should know what they are adding to the game and make sure that any additions make sense together. That's like arguing that the development team should know how to code.

    Seriously this, I have a bunch of colorblind friends somehow and it always makes me sad that they have trouble getting into games I know they'd like.
    jfe2, riseoflegends and SaitaM like this.
  7. Your Buddy Bill

    Your Buddy Bill Existential Complex

    The thing is that the dye buckets also lets you dye your objects, but w/e.
  8. SaitaM

    SaitaM Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Or that it should be the developing team to actually develop the game....Pshhh crazy right?
    Zeraxen Sar'athin and Blue Hair like this.
  9. TheSilentObserver

    TheSilentObserver Big Damn Hero

    Alright, now I'm going to actually contribute to the question here before responding to you DrunkenPirate.

    1: The larger chests mod (and the other mod which does the opposite, adding smaller chests and other containers) adds storage options without becoming insanely imbalanced. I've only recently updated to the latest version, where I think something changed in how you acquire these chests, but making the various types of chests have different available sizes (with a reasonable increase in material cost to construct them) is

    2: Stimlab. It's hands-down one of the most interesting crafting systems available for the game. It has it's own tiered construction scheme, a balanced approach to crafting stims, and provides a use for many materials which normally just stack up and go unused. In return, it provides access to a branch of items not currently really accessible in the base game. Medical materials (and other boosts and bonuses) are absolutely vital in the late-game... and only being available through drops or the occasional merchant simply is not sufficient.

    3: Any of the various mods adding customization to ships ought to be looked at. Even if it is later swapped out for a COMPLETELY different system, at current there is a definitive CAP on the usefulness of the vehicle which serves as the central hub of the game. If the devs DID choose one in particular, my hope would be Fully Customizable Ships... preferably with a different ship design as the starting state, and the addition of various 'parts' from the other customization mods in order to allow us to build the sleekest ships possible. Why, then, did I pick FCS as my preferred choice? Because it's the simplest to get into, and it uses nothing but vanilla-game assets.

    4: The Hoverbikes mod. Hoverbikes are cool. They're balanced. They're EXPENSIVE. I've never even GOTTEN myself one yet, and already I know that I want one.

    5: Last mod to get my endorsement for this run - Variety is the Spice of the Universe/Spacebound/Wasteland Planets/Improved Asteroid Fields and both Dungeoneer's Dungeons and that other guy's Bandit Hideout mod all muddled up into one heap of goodness. These mods all fundamentally compliment the nature of the game, and enhance the enjoyability of exploring the stars. Maybe some of them need tweaking... but all in all, they're all exceptional in terms of quality and enjoyability.


    Now, then. DrunkenPirate:

    I really was trying to relieve your concerns by stating that I believe these suggestions are being looked at as a STARTING point.

    The devs cannot feasibly play through EVERY mod and choose which ones are the best fit for the game... that would take FAR too much time away from development. There's no way that they're going to implement mods completely blind and without testing. As stated somewhere else, the popularity of a mod is a good indication of its quality. That's just a starting point. Once the devs can single out a few quality mods, THEN it becomes possible to play them and see how they fit... or COULD fit with a bit of tweaking... into the base game.

    If you're opposed to this, that's your right and I certainly don't mean to imply that you can't say so, but I'm afraid that that's not been the direction that Chucklefish seem to be headed with their development of the game. They seem to be genuinely open to considering player modifications to the gameplay, if those modifications are of sufficient quality and in a direction they approve of. To me, that sounds a lot like you and I are agreeing. Yet you seem to be caught up on the idea that anything user-created MUST BE ignored in the development process of this game, and I just don't see that as being likely.

    The devs seem keen on making it a quality experience, and they seem interested in finding quality community-made enhancements to that experience.

    No hostility is intended by my statements, here or in the previous posting. I apologize if it came across as such, or as if I seemed to imply your opinions are not valid.

    Sirplop likes this.
  10. L3W

    L3W Ketchup Robot

    Yea I know what you mean I love my ship. I think of/use it as a home. Don't get me wrong I would love to build on planets, but I am waiting for the final universe wipe until then. I want that Star Trek feel of living in your ship :3
  11. Crete

    Crete Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    - Augmented Armore
    - Back Items Mod or Light Drones Mod
    - Colonies Mod
    - Frackin Flora
    - Industrialization
    - Insectoid Race
    - Medical Potions
    - Ammo Overhaul (MMN)
    - Okea
    - Planetside Teleporters
    - Print & Pack
    - Tiered Matter Manipulators
    - Unique Drills

    I enjoy all of the mods I listed here and would be thrilled if all or any of them made it into the release.
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2014
    TheFizzler likes this.
  12. Your Buddy Bill

    Your Buddy Bill Existential Complex

    Given what happened during the Enraged update... *insert snark here*

    No but seriously, we're worried they won't seriously consider the balance and feel impact that each mod will have; what makes one person's game may well break another's, and "the devs made it themselves" is really the only consolation to that sort of thing. Another race mod? Not particularly interested, both because it breaks some of the lore and also because I'll have to add ANOTHER wing to my superstructure. It's already going to need 13, and they're all massive, so throwing in race mods willy-nilly will throw me for a loop.

    Finish your sentence please.

    This will be a problem for compatibility reasons.

    Personally, I think that there's a point where you've got TOO MUCH customization and you're overwhelmed by it all. There IS such a thing as TOO MUCH content. Remember the rule: "Keep it simple, stupid."
  13. gallowsRenegade

    gallowsRenegade Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  14. Whitlinger Doodle Do

    Whitlinger Doodle Do Pangalactic Porcupine

    Would it be possible to disable included mods?
  15. Your Buddy Bill

    Your Buddy Bill Existential Complex

    probably not. they integrated Zipline and turned it into Skyrail Tech, and you can't disable that.
  16. joriandrake

    joriandrake Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Well, if some modders made the work for them already, why not implement it if its just as they wished the stuff to be added, or maybe better?


    I can as example already enjoy both SP and MP a customized character, and my main character Starpetal is also edited via this great mod SBSE, which merely edits the save file for the game, and finish less than 3 minutes with the whole thing. She has light turqoise hair and golden armor/circlet now.

    I also use Felins as mentioned from Kawa, and the Customizable ship.


    I didn't edit the basic wooden ship much, but I like the result.
  17. thespookdanger

    thespookdanger Void-Bound Voyager

    Why would you worry that the design team will not seriously consider the balance of the game they are making and have been obviously tinkering with? Are you also worried that all of the water on the planet will magically go away forever? This is such a nonsensical worry. Again:

    any mods added to the base game are - obviously - going to be vetted by the design team and devs
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 22, 2014
    riseoflegends and TheFizzler like this.
  18. joriandrake

    joriandrake Subatomic Cosmonaut

    This MUST become some demigod boss at game end :rofl:
    And the name actually does sound awesome too!
    Sirplop likes this.
  19. thespookdanger

    thespookdanger Void-Bound Voyager

    Yo sorry Tiy, but if this gets added I will feel zero guilt about spacemurdering it.
    Sirplop likes this.
  20. Awbawlisk

    Awbawlisk Phantasmal Quasar

    Could you add in Trook's Bandit Hideouts Mod?
    Because it would be nice if we actually DID have a dungeon centered around the Bandits. You don't need to add in the CraterCade, but the Bandit Underground actually seems like a must!

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