22nd February

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Feb 22, 2014.

  1. sneakyarrow

    sneakyarrow Master Chief

    I just want better healing items. I don't appreciate having to use like twenty (exaggeration, almost) nanowrap bandages after I get down to half health.
  2. Doctor Headshot

    Doctor Headshot Void-Bound Voyager

    MMN Gun, Tiered Pixel Mod, Build Length Extender, Your Starbound Crew, Fully Customizable Ships, and one of the modded races character creation extenders.
  3. ritishi

    ritishi Tentacle Wrangler

    Suggestion: Character Classes.
    I've been messing around with back armor slots to create character classes. I initially modified the light drones mod (because who doesn't like to see in the dark right?) to create the distinct classes.

    Class: Warrior

    Extra health
    Extra defense
    Small amount of hp regen
    Small amount of damage reflected back
    Maybe more damage reflected when using a shield

    Class: Rogue

    Lower armour
    Fast regen
    Faster movement
    Higher jump
    Stealth via a shield

    Class: Sniper

    Small increase to movement speed
    Small increase to jump height
    Lower hp
    Lower armour
    Lots of energy regen
    Small amount of hp regen

    I've actually been playing with these mods I made myself, and my friends love them when they play on my server. I make 5 of each of light drone, so you can upgrade them through out the game play. I don't make them way over powered, just small modifications.

    What you think? ^.^b
    SirHuxxley likes this.
  4. SirHuxxley

    SirHuxxley Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  5. DrunkenPirate

    DrunkenPirate Void-Bound Voyager

    Yeah, just please, include only cosmetic and non-essential for core game mods. Little more content - yeah why not, some decorations for your base - great, some customization to already existing races - good idea, maybe some creative mods which don't affect the gameplay much. But don't add those MOREWEPUNSNEWRACESUPEREVERYTHINGAMEPLAYCHANGEMOD even if more than 10 people ask you for it - you DONT want to force me to play mods which I don't like, which affect me in-game and which I can't ignore.
    skythesniperguy and User011232 like this.
  6. User011232

    User011232 Guest

    I TOTALLY AGREE WITH THAT and therefore: fullquote.


    Nice mods out there, modders do a great job on that, BUT SERIOUSLY, I DON'T LIKE MOST OF THEM INCLUDED INTO MY GAME, OKAY.
  7. Ttariel

    Ttariel Big Damn Hero

    Dye Bucket
    Lissars hair mod
  8. Polraudio

    Polraudio Void-Bound Voyager

    Right now im digging the mod Starfoundry It fits very well with the vanilla game.
  9. Areyon3339

    Areyon3339 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I would like

    -XS Mechs
    -Dungeoneer Dungeons
    -Persistent Farmables
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2014
    Hawk Novablast likes this.
  10. Lord Esperon

    Lord Esperon Void-Bound Voyager

    I'm not sure if their is a mod for it or not, but better beds scaling their healing higher would be awesome. ^.^
    FelipeChoque likes this.
  11. ÿsgmir

    ÿsgmir Void-Bound Voyager

    not a mod, but there certainly should be BEARDS
    judge1 and FelipeChoque like this.
  12. Zeraxen Sar'athin

    Zeraxen Sar'athin Void-Bound Voyager

    First thing; they are not putting the mods in the game and forcing you to download them to play the game. They are putting the content in the game, but that neither means you have to use it nor do you ever have to touch it. This isn't about them making you go out and download things to play the game, this is about them wanting to include content. As I said before, you neither have to use it nor do you have to even touch it.
    Hawk Novablast likes this.
  13. DakoShark

    DakoShark Pangalactic Porcupine

    Extended Songbook, definitely, I haven't played without it since mods started.

    Maybe Avian Tail feathers, cause I like the basic look stuff.

    Maybe persistant farmables.

    Lastly, though not a mod, I'm hoping we get liquid pumps soon and ocean biomes, can't make an underwater base without it.
    v6ooo likes this.
  14. Zeraxen Sar'athin

    Zeraxen Sar'athin Void-Bound Voyager

    Again. they are not forcing you to mod anything. They are asking for suggestions to put into the game as content, not mods that you have to download. There is a difference.
  15. User011232

    User011232 Guest

    Do you guys even think of how mods affect your frikkin game, the balance, the stability?

    I don't think so. Otherwise you'd be more careful with what you're modwishing for.

    Stop this madness.

    I don't want this crap included into my game, therefore, I don't download the mods.
    Is it SO hard to understand I don't want that stuff AS CONTENT NOR MODS added to my game???
  16. Shaunbear

    Shaunbear Void-Bound Voyager

    No Battle Music - http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?resources/no-battle-music.1264/
    Think about adding this as a setting you can tick on and off in the options menu. Yeah, its nice to hear the battle music now and again, but I love the this soundtrack a lot to where being able to stop the battle music is and listen to the other music without intrusion is nice.

    Persistent Farmables - http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?resources/persistent-farmables.640/
    I think adding this (the one that does it with starbound open, not the offline one) will be nice since some of the food you have takes over a couple hours to grow and having that grow while we're out farming pixels or farming materials is a nice thing to have.
    NovastarX likes this.
  17. Zeraxen Sar'athin

    Zeraxen Sar'athin Void-Bound Voyager

    As I told the other guy; they are NOT making you download and play the mod. They are simply adding content to the game; if you have OCD and simply can't ignore any content in the game whether you would actually play it or not, you have my sympathy, but please. It is going in as vanilla game content, not as a mod you have to download, therefore you can ignore it. And you can ignore most mods anyway, even if you were forced to have them. They add content which you can simply ignore and not use.
  18. ___MeRliN___

    ___MeRliN___ Guest

    Full Changelog mod or Accuracy Log bound: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Changelog

    That ensures the changelogs we get are accurate and useable again...

    Persistent farmables would be nice aswell
    ogboot likes this.
  19. Zeraxen Sar'athin

    Zeraxen Sar'athin Void-Bound Voyager

    How does a mod that adds more space to your ship affect game balance or stability? That's right. It doesn't. Stop posting if all you're going to do is rant at people that have suggestions and whine when people call you out and point out facts that you quite obviously haven't noticed or are ignoring. Also, please avoid swearing and using all caps lock; it makes you look foolish, especially when there are much better ways of putting emphasis on words. Using caps lock just makes you look like more of a fool than your statements themselves.
    Lobo263 likes this.
  20. Hawke Inferno

    Hawke Inferno Void-Bound Voyager

    We need a Tyrannosaure pet !!!!! And lot of pets

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