I've been through a lot of Roleplay on MP servers, but never revealed my steam account. Will people keep unabble to check my Steam name on 1.0 ?
Random thought, but I assume those settings are per world rather than across the board. IOW, I might want to allow multiplayer connection for one character/world only, and play solo on another. Would I need to go in and change the settings each time I switch character, or would it sort of remember?
I imagine you would still choose to load up each save in multiplayer mode so there's not always a server running
Are there some player protections being considered for this kind of multiplayer, at least for the ship?
Yeah, that's another concern I've had, as in the current nightly there is no way to protect your ship and buildings from other players. Will player configurable shields be a feasible option?
That's nice. Except for first I was thinking you'll finally hide the circuits in the background and improve them and you don't see them when you've not the tool
Not sure if I missunderstood you, but if I didn't, you missunderstood one important thing about this game: There are no seperate worlds, just seperate characters living in the same world. You can test that by noting down the coordinates of your home planet for one character and going there with another one... You will find that place again. Obviousley, worlds saved on seperate installs of the game - both different installs on the same computer and installs on other computers, such as servers, are different.
Previously they stated planet based protections is likely not going to happen as it will just result in trolling other users by locking them with no way out. Administrators of servers though can do it through /settileprotection command. You can see this video by @RatixFarrence which gives you a basic idea of what to do.
Well, I kinda figured the planet thing, but what about ships? As of right now, is there no tile protection from players teleporting to your ship?
Well that is a step forward. I am assuming once the option is set you go about the multiplayer process roughly the same; host or join, and if host possible to set password or invite only? This is one feature I am happy to see coming, although knowing at least some setup things that will still be there would be nice. I am patient enough for a time when my friend and I can play within my universe or theirs.
I have a question for devs if they don't mind answering. How exactly will multiplier work if we do it by joining a friend on Steam? Like what is the technical stuff? Will the host computer basically act like a server and save everything but the guest character/ship (which get saved on the guest computer I would hope)? Like if player A (the host) went on planet X then on planet Y Player B went on planet X then on planet Z Will player A will have data for planet X (updated by whatever Player B did), planet Y and planet Z though he himself never been on planet Z like a typical server would? Or will player A & B be sharing the files somehow in the case of planet X? How would overwriting the planet be decided though? The main issue I had with Terraria is that you gotta share the map by uploading it if your friend ever want to do something on that world but he been playing as a guest. I feel Starbound could potentially remove that issue altogether though where player A & B can help each other on single player by building a base then play together to decide which base they will be using as both players can be host depending on who had the most up to date planet file. Basically share the data that they will be saving instead of dumping it all on the host.
As long as they are not in your squad - they can't teleport onto your ship. I doubt it will be much different then its current implementation. Lets say Player A is host Player B is client In multiplayer currently you will be always using the hosts ( or players A ) universe file. Player B's personal universe is not affected at all. Players B character file is currently stored on their own computer though. If player B hosted the next time, it will be a completely different universe. At in the respect that it won't b the same one with the changes made hosted by player A.
I assume that would be the case but I really hope the devs will make it so there is a way to share planets without having to upload them one day.
Perhaps post 1.0, missions and planets can be downloaded from the steam workshop, and accessed through the sail mission tab... That's be cool.