19th June Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Jun 20, 2013.

  1. SpiroExDeus

    SpiroExDeus Cosmic Narwhal

    Why would you want it to? IMO a game where you're moving your character and aiming a cursor to fire is much more suited to keyboard and mouse than any other controller. Plus PCs are way more cutting edge than consoles these days. Heck, PS4 and Xbox are now just PCs with limitations on what controllers you can use (They both have AMD64 chips that could just as easily run a PC).
    Walross and AdenSword like this.
  2. Timeheart

    Timeheart Void-Bound Voyager

    You'd almost wonder if the mannequins will be an unlockable or hidden char. They'd have no backstory, but would be funny to see!
  3. Psychman

    Psychman Void-Bound Voyager

    That would be cool! Preview best armor on character *take screenshot*, zoom in, show off yourself with best armor ever.
  4. Psychman

    Psychman Void-Bound Voyager

    That would be cool, maybe to unlock when you beat final boss? Or, maybe you should just be able to craft it as a vanity item or something and put it on.
  5. Psychman

    Psychman Void-Bound Voyager

    Better then no teasers! Then you will just have to wait with absolutely nothing.
  6. Epicality

    Epicality Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I keep seeing these little golden pixel icons in your screenshots. Would this be the money that players use?
  7. AdenSword

    AdenSword Pangalactic Porcupine

    yes pixels will be the monetary system in StarBound
  8. Deathgarnet

    Deathgarnet Title Not Found

    Even if the splosions don't look as good in screenshots, they still look Mighty fine Mr Tiy, You guys are doing an awesome job, keep it up !
  9. Cloaked Hood

    Cloaked Hood Orbital Explorer

    The explosions look awesome!​
  10. Fizz

    Fizz Big Damn Hero

    I would be happy with just a pool of water and materials next to it in a boxed area for the beta, If it's released early. lolz Also the blocks are going to be destructable by rockets right? =o
    AdenSword likes this.
  11. ThatMadCat

    ThatMadCat Phantasmal Quasar

    Oh my goodness! So much winning, they are beautiful!
    THEGNB likes this.
  12. PillowSyndrome

    PillowSyndrome Starship Captain

    Mannequins? CONFIRMED beta release this week
  13. THEGNB

    THEGNB Space Spelunker

    Star Bound developers: We need something to post on the forums,now! Random dude: Explosions? Everyone: YAYYY :iswydt:
  14. LordPants

    LordPants Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Man those explosions look rad!
  15. Mippy

    Mippy Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    HOOOHHHRAAAAAAAAAY !! this is awesome! :up:
  16. leax256

    leax256 Space Penguin Leader

    directx = faster game on windows users?
    if so I laugh at mac users.
  17. Jellyfish

    Jellyfish Title Not Found

    most of us did this at day one...
    Superduperhazy likes this.
  18. Rarity

    Rarity Pangalactic Porcupine

    It depends on your graphics card.
  19. leax256

    leax256 Space Penguin Leader

    I don't have an uber GPU, a moderate 7770. looks like I will have to see. if there is an on/off I'll do some tests.
  20. Rarity

    Rarity Pangalactic Porcupine

    No, it's just the difference in how GPUs handle DirectX and OpenGL. Some may find better performance using DirectX than they would OpenGL. Typically, if you have a mid range or higher card, you should notice more performance out of DirectX. Also, OpenGL is more used by other OS.

    It's not a big deal when you look at it from the larger picture I suppose, but more options never hurts.

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