18th October Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Oct 19, 2013.

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  1. ArcaneMusic

    ArcaneMusic Big Damn Hero

    ...You can mine Sewer dirt cant you.
    I suppose someone out there is going to make a house of it.

  2. Pringlesniffer

    Pringlesniffer Orbital Explorer

    I thought we were promised Starbound beta was going to be released today.

    Good job Chucklefish on keeping your promises.
  3. Alsanu

    Alsanu Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I think he/she just mentioned beta to see our reactions. :3
    There's no other way that beta will be out on GMT 23:59 31/12/2013.
  4. Heebejeebes

    Heebejeebes Phantasmal Quasar

  5. MrMas35

    MrMas35 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    When i hear a starbound Developer say beta...

    Heebejeebes likes this.
  6. Heebejeebes

    Heebejeebes Phantasmal Quasar

    Also Goosebumps.

    Reader beware, you're in for a scare!
    MrMas35 and Dubble Trouble like this.
  7. Enshift

    Enshift Poptop Tamer

    Screenshot has valve in it, and beta coming in year 2013 so.. valve + 3
    Half Life 3 confirmed!!!
    (sorry i had to :D )
    lyrael_rayne likes this.
  8. Karth

    Karth Pangalactic Porcupine

    A dev can simply mention "Beta" in a post and the community will collectively mess their trousers over it.

    Can't wait to go all stabbity on some Po in that dungeon!
  9. flamedance58

    flamedance58 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Cause every game needs a obligatory Sewer Level! Hopefully it's not shitty though D:

    .....See what I did there?
    lyrael_rayne and Kernkin like this.
  10. JennShii

    JennShii Pangalactic Porcupine

    I think those pipes under the floor should bend depending on where other pipe tiles are, kind of like the fences in minecraft.
    Also that's the shittiest dungeon I've ever seen. *wink* Keep up the good work! ;3
    Kernkin likes this.
  11. Leftenit

    Leftenit Aquatic Astronaut

    Now is the beta actually that close or are we going to have to wait until the end of the year
    sorry if this sounds rude in anyway, it isn't mean to.

    Still Enjoying the updates
  12. BlueFlux

    BlueFlux Guest

    YES! I always wanted a crap dungeon...
    Anyway... I have a feeling beta will be here within a month.
    Makes sense. The year has about 2 months left anyway.
  13. Shalderave

    Shalderave Big Damn Hero

    There actually is a bio-suit in-game. There used to be anyway, in older screenshots.
  14. Dpowling

    Dpowling Aquatic Astronaut

    I can't explain how many times I've checked this site to hear the word "beta"
  15. ForceablePlace

    ForceablePlace Phantasmal Quasar

    In the live chat Yesterday Tiy said the beta will probably come in November, MAYBE, so it was a guess, but that's only a few days from now! :DD
  16. DaydraStardust

    DaydraStardust Void-Bound Voyager

    Excellent work as always, team...though I am conserving my excitement for now...I would prefer to not have to sleep for about 72 hours after release...conserving excitement will help with that. =>
  17. robyJoe

    robyJoe Subatomic Cosmonaut

    So I can make an actual sewer system WITHOUT the hassle of making a sewer system?!
    That's crap. totally original joke
    Also betaaaaaaa
  18. LordEmperorBacon

    LordEmperorBacon Void-Bound Voyager

    My body... It is ready!
    Yanazake likes this.
  19. AlphaMongoose

    AlphaMongoose Ketchup Robot

    Mistake to say beta, molly. It's like mentioning regular glass to a meth addict.
  20. Luchóg

    Luchóg Sandwich Man

    Aw I was hoping this screenshot would be scratch and sniff... Nothing quite like the smell of yesterday's lunch in the form of sewage. Oh and beta mention, that's exciting too! :D
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