18th October Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Oct 19, 2013.

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  1. Vampiz

    Vampiz Pangalactic Porcupine

    Welcome back, everyone, to the daily Starbound Update Blog Addiction Association. Please, take a seat and if anyone feels ready, stand up and tell us all your name. :DD
  2. NoBlackThunder

    NoBlackThunder Big Damn Hero

    lol this is me now hanging around tomuch here and waiting for the Holy day the beta comes out :rofl: HAHA
    Samiz likes this.
  3. Cobalt -

    Cobalt - Space Hobo

    [​IMG]Oh My, I totaly agree man
  4. GermoDante

    GermoDante Void-Bound Voyager

    beta... b...eta betabetabetabetabetabetabetabetabetabetabetabetabrbjkbrjasfdhajsldhfa!!!!! *Head Explodes*
    Cobalt - likes this.
  5. Vampiz

    Vampiz Pangalactic Porcupine

    The suspense is killing me.
    Haec_Esne_Legas likes this.
  6. Ansega

    Ansega Void-Bound Voyager

    Sewers? That sounds like cool. :D
  7. braulio1984

    braulio1984 Astral Cartographer

  8. c_anthony

    c_anthony Tentacle Wrangler

    Only thing is, and I'm hoping someone else noticed, that pipe in the stone... Kinda' need some vertical pipes here folks. Multiple horizontal segments like that just don't look right...
    Cobalt - likes this.
  9. Bake

    Bake Void-Bound Voyager

    DID SHE SAID BETA? :rainbow:
  10. greenman

    greenman Spaceman Spiff

    There are some vertical pipes in the image as well. I'm guessing it's a tile placement bug or issue with dungeon generation. Look at it this way: They've gotten the game to a point where they're taking in-game screenshots instead of posting mock-ups that look like in-game screen shots :)
  11. Sen-Mithrarin

    Sen-Mithrarin Industrial Terraformer

    I'm now wondering if that giant fly from the previous update will be in this sewer dungeon.
  12. Greenforks

    Greenforks Astral Cartographer

    Ok i get it
  13. JackAllan

    JackAllan Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Po Blocks!
    Can we make furniture out of it?
    Please say yes.
    Please say yes just to spite all those 'SOO MATTURE' people who lost it over the po.
    Titanium and Samiz like this.
  14. JagBlack

    JagBlack Subatomic Cosmonaut

    beta is an awful dangerous word to use in these parts...
  15. remorse314

    remorse314 Void-Bound Voyager

    let's hope this doesn't turn out like Diablo 3 where the servers go live and so many people try to log in at once it breaks
    Yanazake likes this.
  16. SmoothGuy

    SmoothGuy Phantasmal Quasar

    Whoa,so much variety of dungeons,i like the fact that Modern MMO's represent their dungeons as caves or some sort of just old prison,and you just throw there everything that is lootable and underground

    I love that fact to be honest that it is like that..:love:
  17. EpicCrayon

    EpicCrayon Orbital Explorer

    I'm extremely scared to click this link...
    Heebejeebes likes this.
  18. shucklefan1

    shucklefan1 Phantasmal Quasar

    Its a Rick roll. :p
  19. EpicCrayon

    EpicCrayon Orbital Explorer

    Dodged a bullet there! :rofl:
  20. Vampiz

    Vampiz Pangalactic Porcupine

    *Downloads it anyway*
    EpicCrayon likes this.
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