18th October Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Oct 19, 2013.

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  1. bowser7

    bowser7 Industrial Terraformer

    Welp,let's see what do I have to post:
    1.A generic overhyped comment about the word Beta
    2.Yet another generic comment about a conspiracy between the beta's release and Half Life 3 confirmed cliché
    3.A GIF to express said overhypeness that is meant to make it's viewer laugh or liek
    4.Ignore the beta completely, deny it, post about how it's not coming and lower down the overhype
    5.Ignore said possibility and overhype about beta anyway
    6.Spew rainbows in 50 colors of beta
    7.Mention the fact that this whole beta hype is almost turning into a viral thing. nope.avi
    7.repeat on option 2,only with a youtube video instead.
    Or simply slap myself in the face for trying to bring sense and logic into teh internet.

    BETA HYPE EVERYBODEH!!! :rainbow::rainbow::rainbow::rainbow::rainbow::rainbow::rainbow:

  2. DBDragoner

    DBDragoner Void-Bound Voyager

    Happy to hear work is coming along at a steady pace. Bug fixes may not be that interesting, but that make the game 100% better. :DD
  3. Ado

    Ado Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Calm down people!
    Beta is just the second letter of the greek alphabet......
    But in this case its not
    BETA WEN???
  4. Headcrabber180

    Headcrabber180 Void-Bound Voyager

    Guy omg look what s on the TV!!!
    Breaking news!!! Pope benedikt confirmed Starbound beta!

    ive recorded for u guys ;)


    Calm down Guys it will come soon!
  5. Knawx

    Knawx Star Wrangler

    I just want to use my first post to say how brilliant this game looks. I just barely stumbled onto Terraria which I am very much enjoying, so it comes as no surprise that I naturally found this game, and it looks to be improved on every level when compared to the very well done Terraria.
    Headcrabber180 likes this.
  6. robyJoe

    robyJoe Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Holy crap you're right
    Calm down guys
    It was all a hoax.
    Ado likes this.
  7. Headcrabber180

    Headcrabber180 Void-Bound Voyager

    whats a hoax? :confused:???

    what is it`?!?!? o_O
  8. Dedan

    Dedan Void-Bound Voyager

    yo calm down
    people are just being silly, no need to get all condescending and rude
    Seir likes this.
  9. Cobalt -

    Cobalt - Space Hobo

    Seems like Beta, Poo:poo:. HaHa :DD
  10. nTOX!C

    nTOX!C Tentacle Wrangler

    Somebody is cockin? *sniff* I can smell it ... . Mhhhhh nom nom nom ... Beta. Can't wait to taste it!
    Meanwhile ... eating this cookie :cookie: and reviewing all the delicious images. :ninja:
  11. Cobalt -

    Cobalt - Space Hobo

    [​IMG] Really.
  12. Headcrabber180

    Headcrabber180 Void-Bound Voyager

    i dont wanna eat that cookie ... i just wana do THIS to my Keyboard while playing the BETA:

    Cobalt - likes this.
  13. shucklefan1

    shucklefan1 Phantasmal Quasar

    This picture is accuratly shows the one word i got from this update[​IMG]
  14. Sundowner

    Sundowner Astral Cartographer

    Really lookin forward to trying the game out. I'm also a little hyped by the fact that I could probably make a sewer hobo, throwing plastic cups at interlopers and screaming how they're not my father.
    shucklefan1 likes this.
  15. Minnigin

    Minnigin Phantasmal Quasar

    did someone say.. beta?
  16. BlastRed

    BlastRed Spaceman Spiff

    no more updates i hope, and the game releases in a couple of days
    thats what i hope.
    Haec_Esne_Legas likes this.
  17. Daffodill

    Daffodill Astral Cartographer

    i hope this delay is because of the BETA
    Haec_Esne_Legas likes this.
  18. Insainic

    Insainic Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    beta its super.. the beta.. its super awesome!

    the lyrics in the song are what were all feeling :D
  19. Iterum

    Iterum Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Now I'm beginning to wonder how many people will be collecting excrement from that dungeon to build houses to troll servers, lol.
  20. Cobalt -

    Cobalt - Space Hobo

    This is me when i will start playing Starbound.
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