18th October Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Oct 19, 2013.

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  1. PositivAndroid

    PositivAndroid Phantasmal Quasar

    thats surprisingly true
  2. Nedox

    Nedox Void-Bound Voyager

    How did this get all serious? pretty sure the person who replied to my comment was just making a joke that the sewer level thing is more important than the mention of beta.
  3. Reev

    Reev Seal Broken

    Thanks M <3
  4. Kezeal

    Kezeal Ketchup Robot

    "Mansters" sounds awkwardly wrong....
    lol1337 likes this.
  5. hackmaster521

    hackmaster521 Void-Bound Voyager

    So, they've been bugfixing huh?
    Reminds me of what a beta is for... :zzz:
    Pingeh likes this.
  6. Kezeal

    Kezeal Ketchup Robot

    It is wise for them to fix the bugs they know first, then release the beta, for people to find those that the development team missed. It's not very professional to go "Yeah, we still have a shitload of bugs that we know and we also know how to fix them in 3 days, but we still decided to release the game. For the horde..."
    Nedox likes this.
  7. Hugt

    Hugt Phantasmal Quasar

  8. nekisaur

    nekisaur Void-Bound Voyager

    ...BETA? [​IMG]
    Nedox, Samiz and Sklobington like this.
  9. TheyCallMePie

    TheyCallMePie Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Betty White loves Beta.
  10. Kernkin

    Kernkin Subatomic Cosmonaut

    You know....that sewer dungeon....has lots of grimers and Muks... speaking of those two pokemon.. I LOVE my new pokemon x and y 3DS. Molly PLAY WITH ME!...or anyone else on the dev team... pwease?! <3
  11. Halon

    Halon Phantasmal Quasar

    ...:confused: I am going to pretend that is green melted jell-o and not xeno:poo:. Just to keep me from reprocessing my inputs. Organics are kinda gross thataway
  12. Mushie

    Mushie Phantasmal Quasar

    We should get a strechgoal for 2 million, we are almost there.
  13. Oculemon

    Oculemon Starship Captain

    holy fuck, that dungeon....any hype i've lost has been instantly restored
  14. R0flw4ffl3z

    R0flw4ffl3z Void-Bound Voyager

  15. Sergun169

    Sergun169 Void-Bound Voyager

    This year is nearly ended. I don't remember when i paid money for pre-order, it was a long time ago. But i already lost hope to see the game or refund.
  16. Killera

    Killera Phantasmal Quasar

    Oh no She didn't!!! She didn't just mention beta... No no no. She didn't. Calm down Killera... calm down. Everything is going to be okay. Nobody's going to release the beta this soon, the lady was just joking *rocking back and forth nervously*
  17. Dobriyzhyk

    Dobriyzhyk Astral Cartographer

    And we can would play in boogerman in starbound xD
  18. Clam-King

    Clam-King Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I would love to see a "Great Might Poo" reference in the sewer dungeons.
    Other then that, thanks for the image of poo water.
  19. Kezeal

    Kezeal Ketchup Robot

    Sounds like you've got a really bad case of being old. I sincerely hope you will make it to the release of beta. Don't go into the light in your sleep! Hang in there, buddy!
    Nedox, Dubble Trouble and NixeonLow like this.
  20. Infirito

    Infirito Void-Bound Voyager

    OMG! Dev said Beta! Half-life 3 confirmed! ^_^
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