is it possible to modify your mech to work under water so you can swim fast in the liquids on the ocean planets, poison ocean planets and magma ocean planets?
I don't remember this, but there was a small period where I quit playing. After Enraged Koala. I resumed I think on one of the earlier Giraffe builds. But I do remember where your starter planet could have any weather. I've had meteors. I've had acid rain. Between starting with nothing(well a flashlight, MM, and a few seeds rather than food), hunger, temperature mechanics, etc - well it was less casual friendly to say the least. I loved it. Now the shared hub world thing can still be done with a simple mod. Makes sense for servers and such.
You know you can reset your vertical speed with your double jump, right? Just press the space bar at some point when you're falling. I haven't messed around too much with the new techs, but I like the overall idea of giving the player movement abilities that basically stay the same for the entire game, and introducing upgrades over time. It makes the player experience more in line with what the devs were going for, and it means they can design levels that require the use of double jumps and such. Plus, a lot of the old techs were completely outshone by the endgame ones, to the point where sometimes I'd voluntarily put away bubble boost just for the experience of trying out the rocket boots or something. So I like the idea of them making techs a little more uniform. Who would ever use the morph ball if it meant you couldn't carry pulse jump? I can't speak to whether morph ball is good now, of course, but I appreciate that they gave you three core techs with a bunch of variations, instead of introducing a bunch of gimmicky techs that quickly became obsolete. Instead of changing it back, I'd rather they stick with what they've got, but find ways to buff the techs and make them more satisfying to use. (I was a little disappointed, though, to find out that they got rid of "long jumping" by jumping at the exact start of your dash to leap through the air. You could even chain long jumps by double jumping and dashing again when you started to fall. I guess that was a glitch? It was satisfying to use, though. Kinda wish they'd kept it.) BUBBLE BOOST THOUGH, WE CAVE STORY NOW
Here's hoping that mechs are a proper item-style vehicle like boats and hoverbikes. It'd suck if they were bound to your ship or something, cause that would both a: break a ton of ship mods; b: make making race mods a lot more work and c: make it a lot harder to mod in non-mech vehicles with the cool customization options of the mechs we've been shown. Huh, I've never actually seen those parasols in the game. Regardless, it doesn't take that good of a reaction time to use the air dash; I mean, I can not only do it sometimes, but I can do it consistently, and I have notoriously bad reaction time.
Molly, it would be great if you guys could re-enable nightly. Even if only for modders .. I'd agree to non-disclosure. I have a feeling I'm going to need to massively rework XS Mechs ....
I remember that one. it was so useful, but when they removed the option to use dash mid-air i was like “why don’t this work?"
AGREED! I have a feeling I'll need to update some things. Even if wrong, I'd like to verify that fact.
I'm looking forward to this. Makes starbound more "Spacey" and "explorey" instead of just "explorey" Off topic: I think that multiplayer should be a bit more optimized. One thing I always wanted to do in starbound was play on a server that had a hundred or so people simply existing in the universe. Because of starbound's variety, you'd see a bunch of combinations of stuff; mechs armor, weapons, etc. and I think that this would give a sort of feeling of immersion. Happy Easter to the Starbound team
So, when is it coming out? I wanted to start a new game now, but I don't want my save to be corrupted when the update comes out. (I have a couple of mods installed)
Rule of thumb: When an update is in the works, unless the devs specifically give a date, just assume it's going on a "It releases when it's ready"/"Soon" Schedule. Release Dates are pretty much a developer trap. They can "say" something should release by a certain date... but anything can happen between now and said date. Their computers could implode, They could find a big bug in what their doing,.... Florans could turn out to be real, and show up to invade Earth for it's meatsss
For those asking when the update drops... if this 450-something kilobyte update I got earlier is any indication, soon.
is it possible to spawn monsters that not will attack you, only other npcs? or a way/ mod to have multiple pets out?