12/10/13 Patch Notes

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Dec 11, 2013.

  1. SpidersPrey

    SpidersPrey Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Don't be so astounded. You need to realize that most people don't care what "stage" a game is in, they see it as a game, that is availabe to buy. And they USUALLY get their first judgments from trailers. Starbounds trailers look pretty damn good, and they make the game look fun. Most people don't think past the point of "a trailer showcases a game's best attributes"... and so you get people who go and buy the game, don't read any of the (quite honestly) tedious information about it being beta or alpha or in testing, or what the hell ever, and then when they have a horrible experience, they throw the game in the trash(figuratively speaking) and never play it again, all without ever knowing that the experience they had was an unrefined beta... You need to understand that these people just want to play a fun game, and don't really give a s*** about all the technical details.

    So stop being astounded, and understand that not everyone is an uber-fan that follows every movement and forum post and news post of a gaming company... Most people, most gamers, whether you choose to believe it or not, are casual.

    I really hope all of you read this and stop re-posting the same "BETA BETA BETA BETA" crap everywhere to anyone that has the decency to care enough to complain.

    Also, I really hope that the folks at Chucklefish have the sense to know the things I just said. That's part of being a company, knowing the way your target market thinks.
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2013
    HappyDoom and Biggaveli like this.
  2. Darain Armond

    Darain Armond Void-Bound Voyager

    There were two updates. The first one wiped characters, the second did not. With about 8 or 9 hours in between the two.
  3. Imaginary Star Studio

    Imaginary Star Studio Void-Bound Voyager

    Editable controls. Pretty please with sugar on top.

    Also the char I had with the OP weapons had the weapons nerfed into oblivion after patch went live. Restart does not seem necessary. All my goodies were automatically scaled down by about 90%.
  4. CrimsonRedDrake

    CrimsonRedDrake Master Chief

    I heard something about "pets" in the new update? where are the pets?
  5. Emerald Orbit

    Emerald Orbit Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    vanella, Kittails, Muun and 5 others like this.
  6. 1Sonicsky1

    1Sonicsky1 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    You can, but it's though the means of using a torrent, and I;m pretty sure that I'm not allowed to talk about the means of doing so here.
  7. burnin8

    burnin8 Space Hobo

    So i'm pretty sure the frustrated koala update broke ore spawns...I know in the last patch they were overly common, but now there doesn't seem to be any ores anywhere! Before the wipe update, I would go on an expedition, and get like 500 iron, even more copper and coal etc. But now, on the same planet, that I wrote down the coordinates for before the patch, I will find practically zero of anything. I was wondering if anybody else was having the same problem on planets that have been visited for the first time on that character after the most recent patch.
    vanella likes this.
  8. Tsumugari

    Tsumugari Guest

    At first I wasn't too on board for the whole balance update around combat and equipment, and wanted the system to continue with armor penetration for various personal opinions.

    After playing for awhile (pre-hotfix and post hotfix) I have to say that the current combat system has many improvements over the old system (Tier 1 so far). It feels relatively balanced and now fun to smack monsters around, instead of one hit KOing or doing little to nothing. I guess armor penetration was some wacky stat that wasn't fully thought out or implemented and it was better to start from ground up again. I mean, if you guys have a much easier time balancing the game with the new system then I have no objections there!

    Although I do hope you guys plan to add more modifiers/variables to weapons later on, I think it makes finding and collecting them all the more fun :p
  9. Ogremindes

    Ogremindes Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I found lots of ore, just not the right ores. In my alpha planets copper and coal have been scarce, while silver was all over the place, lots or gold too. Even platinum and diamond in the underground. Still not enough coal to move on, though.
    vanella likes this.
  10. Motrax

    Motrax Big Damn Hero

    Thanks a lot for the work so far! I can tell you guys work really hard in developing/updating the game as it continues throughout the beta.

    You have my respect! Keep up the good work! <3
  11. Kavrick

    Kavrick Void-Bound Voyager

    I dont really understand the whole reasoning behind needing money to craft items, if you guys wanted to encourage grinding for money all you would need to do is make it so items in shops weren't crap, the idea of needing money and materials for making items is stupid and steep. like the way you need 35 steel and 1300~ pixels for a steel breastplate (not to mention you also need silver armor) is ridiculous.
    vanella likes this.
  12. RedPandaCurry

    RedPandaCurry Poptop Tamer

    i had a lot of fun exploring different planets and checking out all of the different flora, fauna, and biomes, etc.

    now, i spend a whole lot of time exploring.... dirt.... and darkness. ....those birds....
  13. GhostZero

    GhostZero Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Try Targeted Blink. SOOOOO much better.
  14. Azza_hd

    Azza_hd Poptop Tamer

    I know, but im not to bothered about them.
  15. EmGeHo

    EmGeHo Cosmic Narwhal

    But being propelled 50 yards away?
    vanella and Angelus.Nox like this.
  16. SanderG1231

    SanderG1231 Space Hobo

    Im so happy to see that you guy's are working so hard on the game great job :) I felt like i just wanted to add this though (if you hadent already thought og it) that i feel like the one handed weapons are a bit too underpowered, since on a threat level 1 planet i have to do like 4 or 5 hits on a completly normal hostile monster on the planet. And thats on a Threat level 1 planet wich i find a bit too hard when you gotta go out and explore the galaxy. I normaly use a shield and the best damaging one handed weapon i can craft of iron and then of steel and so on. What im trying to say is i saw that you did say that you need some more time to balance it just right, but i thought i would mention it if you hadent put this into consideration ^^ . Also great game Guys up until now its a magnificent game idea and VERY well executed just for an early beta, keep up the great Work ^^
  17. GhostZero

    GhostZero Subatomic Cosmonaut

    The duplication problem is caused by two different sources (local save files and the hosted server) of the ship having the same item. If you put an item in your friend's storage on his ship, and he logs out, you can take the item out and he'd still have the item in his local files. Then all he has to do is log in again or go into singleplayer and retrieve the items himself. The only way I can see to fix the problem would be to implement a player's teleportation back to their own ship upon someone logging out while said player is on their ship.
  18. 1Sonicsky1

    1Sonicsky1 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I don't know about you, but astronauts have to wear equipment that regulates the temperature of their bodies... I was going to post an explanation myself, but NASA explains it better. "NASA’s bulky white spacesuits that astronauts wear on spacewalks can have a temperature difference of up to 275 degrees F from one side to the other. This can happen if an astronaut has one side of the suit facing the sun with the other side facing deep space." This is from: http://www.nasa.gov/pdf/379068main_Temperature_of_Space.pdf
  19. Poisondrake

    Poisondrake Orbital Explorer

    My game still crashes sometimes when I teleport down to the planet
  20. Azza_hd

    Azza_hd Poptop Tamer

    Well its still beta so you would expect alot of hard work for such a good game.

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