12/10/13 Patch Notes

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Dec 11, 2013.

  1. Denark75

    Denark75 Space Hobo

    My character got wiped..
  2. Skhmt

    Skhmt Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    There were two patches today. The first wiped, the second did not. These notes only refer to the second patch. Did your characters exist maybe 12 hrs ago?
  3. Azza_hd

    Azza_hd Poptop Tamer

    There was 2 patches, but i think 1 of them wiped characters.
  4. Murlocking

    Murlocking Astral Cartographer

    A couple suggestions,

    - Add shield description asap, i don't even know what a Shield does, so why are they in-game if i can't tell what they are for? Doesn't make sense.
    - Bow doesn't show DPS or Damage, only if you press I with the bow equipped you can see it.
    - Add a sorting button to chest and inventory!
    - Add more slots to better and bigger (visual) chest. It's really hard to keep everything organized right now.
    - Delete characters button
    - Add an item or some ways to set your custom spawn point, it really suck to die after running for 30 minutes on a huge planet.

    Hope someone read this..
    vanella, dollvader, Dactylos and 2 others like this.
  5. ghostlll1992

    ghostlll1992 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    whats with unrefined wood not being fuel :fireball::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::whaaat:
  6. Mikerlantz

    Mikerlantz Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Well done bro - I suggested a more roundabout idea of a Fuel Core item and pockets of liquid oil (that could be pumped into the fuel core) underground to power the ship, and have coal be just for torches and steel
  7. DoEFotGS

    DoEFotGS Void-Bound Voyager

    I am a player from Russia. At first I would like to thank for the creation of this game. But there are several things that need your attention.

    1. Weapon swing animation and combat system.

    Spears absolutely useless. This two-handed weapons, which means - you can use two different animations for each mouse button, as is done with a hunting knife. It would be nice to make a aiming attack (360 degrees) with a large radius and a wide sweep with a small radius on a different button. It would also be nice to have different attack animations and the other two-handed weapons. Maybe even do a combination, for example: left click, right click, left click, left click. Or repeated blows to the enemy just had a different animation. Run on the planets and beat the enemies just one button - not interested. More dynamics needed. Because now the whole dynamics - evasion to attacks.

    Enemy knockback is to strong, but your knockback - weak.

    Shiels mechanic makes me cry :) Maybe add aiming block for a mouse cursor position? So it will be easier to defend against shooters from above. So, if you implement a combo system, you may add a combination of one-handed weapon and shield. It is not used during the attack, so that you can make a second or third attack a shield bash.

    2. Fall damage. Height from which you can safely fall - very small.

    Thank you for your attention to this text. And sorry for bad english.
  8. Cpt.Moottorimarkka ®

    Cpt.Moottorimarkka ® Master Chief

    Another bug detected:

    For some reason with the new health system in place, if your max health is above 100 and you go to a ship, or go to another planet, your health resets to 100. If you heal up and travel elsewhere, or re-enter the ship, your health resets to 100. Same thing after dying, I believe. Could the health be tied to a static value in the game code itself, the value being the old 100, that might cause this to happen?
  9. SpidersPrey

    SpidersPrey Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I bet you think you're smart.... ACTUALLY, in space you would freeze solid in an instant if not implode... Temperatures transfer both ways, you know. Your body heat will overtaken because there is no atmosphere to hold heat in. The cold of space would instantly freeze you, effectivly "erasing" your body heat. (space IS cold, because of the aformentioned no atmosphere thing, and nothing to hold heat)

    But when we get right down to it.. this is a freakin game and walking around on a planet with no atmosphere in your casual clothes (shirt and pants) is just a little bit rediculous anyway.. so lets just not take this any farther...
    vanella and Hiuki like this.
  10. Murlocking

    Murlocking Astral Cartographer

    Fall damage is working perfectly, in my opinion. It's the stupidly huge knock-back on mobs attacks that make it worst.
  11. Azza_hd

    Azza_hd Poptop Tamer

    I don't think the fall damage is the best right now but that can be fixed, but yeah the knock back is bad.
    vanella and Dactylos like this.
  12. ironlion45

    ironlion45 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Fall damage is good. I'm having some trouble wondering why good looted weapons have the same basic DPS as the crappy starter sword though; This needs to be looked into.
    Murlocking likes this.
  13. Brassqund

    Brassqund Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Now this is good.
    Not perfect but good.
    That damn bug at the last second :p
  14. Green Causali-Tea

    Green Causali-Tea Industrial Terraformer

    It's good that you're willing to "whistleblow". Leaving blatant exploits in the game is bad for it, and against the entire point of a beta. We should all be doing everything we can to make Starbound a top-quality and polished game. It astounds me the number of people who don't understand that this isn't even Starbound's final form.
    Kittails likes this.
  15. Skhmt

    Skhmt Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Science disagrees with you. Watch less movies and think critically more.


    vanella, Dactylos and Panaxiom like this.
  16. lexietanium

    lexietanium Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I was just wondering how we tame and capture pets xD
  17. Buttercream

    Buttercream Void-Bound Voyager

    Fantastic stuff! Dumping old weapons....
  18. tinker13

    tinker13 Tentacle Wrangler

    I can't believe it. People are STILL complaining about the difficulty? It's like you've never played video games before. Just build an underground hole, scavenge during the day, warp to your ship when you're near death, and there ya go.
  19. tannim

    tannim Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  20. Adarr

    Adarr Space Hobo

    That really broke the game. Crafted weapons are completely unmatchable, even by legendaries. All planets are the same level, making the universe feel very stagnant and unappealing. Bosses can be easily defeated without even moving from one spot. can conquer an entire sector without neeeing to do amy work for new equipment whatsoever. Threat level is now a pointless value. Made an account on the site just to post this. Completely broke the game
    prometheusX9 and Gorshum like this.

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