12/10/13 Patch Notes

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Dec 11, 2013.

  1. ibebyi

    ibebyi Master Chief

    I agree that temperature should stay especially since there are a lot (?) of moons/planets that don't have an atmosphere with actual climates (you can see space right from the surface up). I think it makes total sense you'd freeze (and tbh probably puff up quite a bit too :D).
    vanella and Green Causali-Tea like this.
  2. SyntaxError

    SyntaxError Void-Bound Voyager

    Yeah, the excitement with killing the robot boss with one arrow was pretty short-lived. Thanks for fixing it.
    Gorshum likes this.
  3. AvantGuard

    AvantGuard Void-Bound Voyager

    Thanks, but please fix the OP Birds! I found a pirate ship, and they just massacred the crew! :O
  4. Darkmoone1

    Darkmoone1 Void-Bound Voyager

    What he said. I have multiple birds harassing me around my newly created characters which forces me to retreat to my land base. It is quite annoying.
    vanella and Angelus.Nox like this.
  5. Shadewarp

    Shadewarp Pangalactic Porcupine

    Too many whined about it - I personally think a wipe would have been in order, as it was a bug that made weapons OP... but hey :p

    Thank you Chucklefish team - you guys are epic (legendary!)
  6. Sirfailalot

    Sirfailalot Void-Bound Voyager

    Birds are killing EVERYTHING right now D:
    vanella, Angelus.Nox and AvantGuard like this.
  7. sil3nst

    sil3nst Void-Bound Voyager

    hide yo kids hide yo wife
  8. Mordenak

    Mordenak Lucky Number 13

    My observations on the latest update:

    It appears only villagers who sell food and clothing actually sell anything, the others just show blank ui's for me.

    As everyone is saying, Birds are ridiculous. They aggro like 3-4x farther than anything else, they deal massive damage, and in combination with the new falling damage the birds with knockback are absolutely deadly - especially being anywhere on a hill.

    The early crafted weapons are no better than the starting weapon.

    Copper armor isn't any better than starting armor? That doesn't make sense. :/

    Coal (at least for me) has seemed a lot rarer than it did previously... As well as iron, for me

    All in all, it's taking me a lot longer to advance due to how "adventuring" early on can be pretty fatal when birds are involved (and they will be unless you tunnel). Nothing you craft really makes any impact on your progress, neither the armor nor the weapons provide any real boost to your character - at least not like they felt before.

    But good work on everything else, I hope it continues to move in the right direction and these balances issues get addressed promptly. :) Thanks for all the hard work!

    And please fix the birds!
  9. Killera

    Killera Phantasmal Quasar

    What's up with wood? I can't use it as fuel anymore. Is it a bug or will it stay that way? And if it will stay that way I think we need a way to make coal out of wood
    vanella and Hiuki like this.
  10. Ferrettomato

    Ferrettomato Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'm just impressed that you got a Steel Shortsword between Annoyed Koala and Frustrated Koala.
  11. FormyZee

    FormyZee Void-Bound Voyager

    Keep up the great work. Thank you :)
  12. pauljones211

    pauljones211 Tentacle Wrangler

    dem birds too stronk
    vanella and Hallucinogenus like this.
  13. Murlocking

    Murlocking Astral Cartographer

    I see that everyone is reporting their bugs and suggestions so i'll post a list of what i gathered :

    -If you craft something with full inventory, the item get deleted. (tested with Bandages)

    -Sometimes, you become invincible when you stand inside a mob spirit.

    -The hitbox for tall monsters is wrong, you aim at their head and you miss, you gotta aim their lower part.

    -Monsters knockback is too high, especialy for Flying and ranged monsters.

    -Sometimes (multiplayer tested) you teleport back to a Planet and time reset to daytime.

    -Silver Armor cost almost nothing (20-30 Pixels) While Iron Armor cost a lot more (350 Pixels for chest compare to 30... on Silver Tier)

    -Crafting Steel Bars should cost Pixels. It's just a joke right now. All Steel Weapons have no crafting cost (in Pixels).

    -Weapons you unlock from beating UFO Boss (Steel weapons lvl15) are too strong. There's almost no point in finding new/better weapons. I don't even think it's possible to find better on a LV 2 Planet.

    -The new level system (1-10 from 1-100) is kinda weird, i liked the old system better, were you could find Planets with stronger enemies. Now it seems like there is no point to further explore this Sector after crafting my items. (I'm pretty sure everyone would prefer if you would obtain your best weapon after a good effort, not something simple and easy.)

    -Flying monsters deal twice or 3 times the damage they should deal with ranged attacks. Bouncing skills and the huge knockback these abilities have, make fighting on top of mountain very annoying and almost guaranted a death..

    This is only a short list, i could go on for a bit :)

    Nothing negative either in this, just want to let know that i care about this game and i think it just need balancing!

    From what i feel, we are losing the "farming" side of the old level system.
    With the old system, i had to farm for a good weapon on lvl 10 planets and now i just need to dig a hole and hide myself in the dirt and the Gods will bless me with a Divine Weapon when i go back to my ship ;)

    Am i the only one who thinks the update are quite huge ? Maybe compress the update file or something? Internet in Canada is really stupid, i have only 60Gig of download per month, i'm pretty sure peoples got worst.

    Love you ChuckleFish,

  14. Azza_hd

    Azza_hd Poptop Tamer

    I just wanna see when and what the next patch has.
  15. Skhmt

    Skhmt Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Except you don't freeze to death in a vacuum because there's nothing to transfer your heat away besides radiation. Overheating in a vacuum is more of a problem than freezing. However, you should suffocate just like being underwater on a moon type of planet unless you have breathing gear.
  16. Ferrettomato

    Ferrettomato Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    If it's that big of a problem, just glue your ALT button down. That'll fix the hunger bar.
  17. Murlocking

    Murlocking Astral Cartographer

    They should be room or biome with poison gas and stuff like that. Would make sense for deep exploration or close to Volcanic site or really hot temperature.. etc.
  18. Ferrettomato

    Ferrettomato Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    If you got hit on the head with a bird falling from high in the sky, could you honestly tell me you wouldn't get hurt?
    vanella and Count Skrule like this.
  19. Denark75

    Denark75 Space Hobo

    Uhm, in the latest patch it stated character would NOT be wiped...

    My character is gone...?
  20. Skhmt

    Skhmt Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    It's simple. The game stores your ship and its inventory locally. If someone is on your ship when you log off, your ship's status is saved at that moment and no more changes are made because you're offline. But your friend is still on the ship, so whatever changes he makes won't be saved to the ship itself, meaning he can take things for himself and not worry about you losing them.

    A simple fix is to force those on your ship when you disconnect to beam down to the planet. Alternatively, disallow other players from accessing your inventory and disallow them from pickaxe/beamaxeing the things on your ship. I like the second option better so people don't steal my stuff on public servers.

    Also, server owners or players in single player can edit and add quests to the quest line, but so far I've only seen requirements be checks for owning a certain type of item.
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2013
    Green Causali-Tea likes this.

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