12/10/13 Patch Notes

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Dec 11, 2013.

  1. Intigracy

    Intigracy Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    And now can we have a bug report subforum or tracker?
  2. ancientart

    ancientart Seal Broken

    i had those crazy weapons but when i logged out and in they were gone!
  3. jazari

    jazari Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    2 you'll goinh to have to deal with and 3 they fixed that and i feel like i have enough problems with monsters i don't need to worry about how they are going to break down my door or blox when im afk
  4. Lazarus Valkarov

    Lazarus Valkarov Tentacle Wrangler

    Let's add in some creepers while we're at it.

    jazari likes this.
  5. generaldisuhray

    generaldisuhray Void-Bound Voyager

    ^^This. We almost need a fresh page for each update.
  6. jazari

    jazari Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    did you just start playing if so you got the full update from today that does that
  7. Polarity

    Polarity Void-Bound Voyager

    I have a HUGE beef with this latest patch... on basically every planet I visited I'm being welcomed by this uber op flying devils... These stupid flying demons fly at my from god knows how far and hit me with their; Fireballs, laser balls, electric beams, vomit, whatever you put in the game and they literally fly just out of reach of a normal jump so I can't kill them and they do freaken 35+ damage and I just started the game and can't get rid of these stupid flying menaces and just ruining my exploration cause I can't run... they just follow me at this annoying distance to the point where I tell myself "Screw it, this planet isn't worth it"

    I suggest fixing the movement and tracking the birds of this game have against the player itself... so annoying...
  8. xGrimoire

    xGrimoire Orbital Explorer

    I found a tier 2 broadsword which dropped off an enemy with like 57 DPS earlier today, and when I got on later, It had been nerfed to a whopping 8. Less than the starting sword. Is this part of the patch, or did something just go wrong?
  9. Polarity

    Polarity Void-Bound Voyager

    Not to mention when you do kill them, their dead lifeless bodies fall from the sky also HARMING you...
  10. Ownsalot

    Ownsalot Tentacle Wrangler

    I....will keep my diamond drill for the moment. Steel Hunting Bow OP !!
  11. John From BarSoom

    John From BarSoom Space Hobo

    Today's Major Balance Patch, broke Single Player Mode (SPM), requires a server to connect for it to work.
  12. duxunited

    duxunited Orbital Explorer

    With the increased ore generation and spawning, this update is like the age of prosperity. The last update I suppose would be the age of power, (considering the overpowered weapons) ;D
  13. Dragtalon

    Dragtalon Tentacle Wrangler

    Lol? I think it is funny how monsters 2 shot you, while you have weapons that do 3 and 4 dmg. I think the balance was just a nerf, and it made the game way too hard. If I wanted to be dominated like this, then I would go play League of Legends.
  14. duxunited

    duxunited Orbital Explorer

    Also, the update did in fact delete my old character. that wasn't supposed to happen?
  15. Prime1

    Prime1 Space Hobo

    I agree with you. I can't understand why falling dead birds cause damage to me.
  16. Reno

    Reno Phantasmal Quasar

    Good to see you guys cranking out so much content! Impressed with how you're adding new features alongside fixes for others.

    Any ETA on a fix for OS X 10.6.8, though? I haven't seen anyone on the team mention it.
  17. transcengopher

    transcengopher Zero Gravity Genie

    Wait, hand balanced weapons? Why would you do that? They are supposed to be generated, aren't they?
  18. Sadrias

    Sadrias Lucky Number 13

    Tnx for fix , bur rly some creaters have overpower damage in early game.
  19. Sholf

    Sholf Void-Bound Voyager

    The update last night wiped the characters. The update an hour ago didn't.

    GIZMOMAN Space Hobo

    was the character wipe part of this update or another because me and all my friends lost all our characters

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